Bubblegum Punk.


New Member
i dont know if any of you smoke punk, as most people in these forums are american, but if you dont know what it is, punk is the main weed in hackney. this is due to its potency and the fact that its cheap. well, one day, I was on my way home from school and my boy phoned me up and asked if i wanted to get high. obviously i said yes, jumped off the bus and walked to his estate. after waiting for about 10 minutes, i saw him walking down the road and went up to meet him. we then made our way to the dealers towerblock, in which we did the deal and then walked back out. my friend told me that this weed was in straight from amsterdam, and was fucked up. he asked me to smell the baggie and i caught the distinct whiff of bubblegum, with a slight undercurrent of weed. i was amazed. so we went to an empty car park and rolled a spliff, i was surprised when he used only a couple small buds but he just winked at me and told me that a little goes a long way.. after about 2 tokes i was FUCKED. i could smell bubblegum flavours all around me and i was hallucinating. we stumbled out and went to pick up my sister from school. for the rest of the day right up until i slept i was high. then in the morning, i woke up feeling fresh and clean, with a distinct taste of bubblegum on my lips.

This is my favourite punk to date, i dont know if anyone else has had bubblegum? let me know if so :grinjoint:
Gday Whitez,

Am growing this strain as we speak. Absolutely spot on description of the way it tastes and the hight is fully sic. This strain will always have a place in my grow room.

On a completely different note, we in OZ are still reeling at losing the cricket! LOL

Have never heard the word punk used to describe pot before, but there you go, you DO learn a new thing everyday.
i just got 10 bubblegum seeds, cant wait to grow them
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