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420 Member
Hello 420 community, what’s happening in your neck of the woods? I’m in eastern Massachusetts and have had the privilege and pleasure of growing cannabis both inside and outside. Inside is nice during the winter months but the outside is what I look forward to. Much more area to plant and no height restrictions. Anyway in about four months we’ll be out in our gardens getting the soil prepped while inside waiting for the seeds to germinate, oh happy days….. by the way…….,
Happy New Year to everyone!!






Wow welcome from the uk where we cant
openlly talk about Cannabis.
You are ptrvelisged for sure there.
Plants way cool no help needed there
Thanks! That’s a shame, in this day and age, cannabis should be considered as an alternative herb for cooking and baking. I would balk if I couldn’t talk, openly about cannabis. Happy New Year!!!
Hello 420 community, what’s happening in your neck of the woods? I’m in eastern Massachusetts and have had the privilege and pleasure of growing cannabis both inside and outside. Inside is nice during the winter months but the outside is what I look forward to. Much more area to plant and no height restrictions. Anyway in about four months we’ll be out in our gardens getting the soil prepped while inside waiting for the seeds to germinate, oh happy days….. by the way…….,
Happy New Year to everyone!!






Fantastic garden :welldone:
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Welcome to 420 Magazine @BlueCollarArtist

Beautiful outdoors garden what strains are they?
What kind of nutrients are you feeding your ladies?

The easiest way to get help when you start is to open a grow journal and ask your question there.

Here's some helpful info: Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link.

This is where you place your grow journal.

Journals in Progress: Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contests to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests: Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

Also, we now have a Fungi section if you would like to grow mushrooms.
Welcome to 420 Magazine Blue Collar Artist.

In Eastern NY. Except for starting early about 6 weeks indoors have always been an outside grower for about 50 years. The winters are long and look forward to spring and gardening. Would like to try an indoor grow but electricity is about .86 cents a kw here and they have just been approved to raise the rates by NY so always trying to use less electric rather than more.
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