branches are alternating


New Member
i read that alternating branches indicate the plant is starting to flower, i am still veging the plants i grew from seed 90 days and they have started asymetrical branching, what does this mean?
The only thing that i can think of that might be able to help you is keep it back under 24/7 lighting that way hopefully you can trigger veg cycle again because i think the 18/6 schedule after a while the dark hour periods add up and might just be that
How big are your pots? If your growing in soil. A strain called Bonkers will flower if it gets root bound. Never grew it but thats what the breeder says. Stress might have something to do with it as well.
Could be it, just go to google and type in asymmetrical branching on plants and google it there should be a search result with the words flowering click on it and its the growers bible lots of info and pics
lol good one l8night skunk

I just looked in Marijuana Horticulture grow bible and you were right.
Phyllotaxy- Branching changes from symmetrical to asymmetrical when the plants enter flowering.

I did receive a couple clones a few years ago that had asymmetrical branching when I got them and vegged them. The one I managed to keep alive didn't flower till I put her in 12/12.
maturety is correct,

some strains do show some small pistils in veg state when they reach maturety, but not all strains
LOL you guys must not veg your plants very long to have missed that one.

I guess even the experts are human now and then lol.

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