Brain tumor


New Member
hi my name is mike and im from nc my wife resently found out she has a brain tumor and we have watched alot of videos on youtube about medical marijuana she is interrested in this type of cure because of the lack of side effects unlike the meds that a regular doctor perscribes can anyone help please she started smoking but we have no idea how this works
Hi Mikke. Sorry to hear about your wife.

Welcome to :420:

Let her smoke as much as she feels comfortable with.

She could also try edibles made with cannabutter.


CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!

Welcome to this great community! I'm sure you guys will be able to find all the answers you need right here, dig around for a bit, if you guys are totally new to this, you can watch some documentarys on youtube on medical marijuana. I remember starting like that.
Also, there is quite a few ways to consume this medicine besides actually smoking it (through food, vaporizing, etc).

Sorry about your wife, hope this wonderful plant will help her, GL!
There may be some hope on the horizon for your wife, Mikke

Lee Porter: Another Look At Medical Marijuana

Fortunately, public opinion is starting to reflect a more rational view of marijuana. Opinion polls conducted this year show that in North Carolina and elsewhere in the conservative South, Americans now favor changing laws to allow use of medical marijuana. Numerous groups are currently advocating for change. We appear to be nearing a tipping point in the national dialogue on drug policy reform.

The North Carolina Cannabis Patients Network and other organizations are actively advocating for change in North Carolina's cannabis laws. I am proud to be working with other professionals in North Carolina to further education for health care professionals in the area of cannabinoid therapeutics, harm reduction, and drug policy reform. The change we see on the horizon has great potential for helping families in North Carolina and improving the safety of our communities.
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