Bottom part of stem too thin


420 Member
This is a 16 day auto I´ve been growing organically.

I´ve searched for this stem issue and some people say it´s normal and the stem will get stronger and some say it could be damping off.
Leaves seem happy, they were not down at anytime. I´m not watering much because of the 15L pot the plant is in, right now it´s been a week since I gave her 750ml and I plan to water it tomorrow but I´m afraid of this damping off thing.

What do you guys think ? Bottom part of stem is like half thick if compared to the rest of it


Actually it’s pretty typical to have lower stem that’s smaller diameter than the upper portion of the stem.

Supercropping is a training hack where you damage the lower stem to make it form fat knuckles… it’s possible to supercrop the main stem or to select one or more of the individual branches…
Here’s link on supercropping InTheShed supercropping however be advised this might trigger an auto to start flowering right away

Don’t water where your roots are, water where you want them to grow… in other words water a few inches away so roots will seek out that moisture. Emilya’s How to water potted plant guide

Hope it helps!
Actually it’s pretty typical to have lower stem that’s smaller diameter than the upper portion of the stem.

Supercropping is a training hack where you damage the lower stem to make it form fat knuckles… it’s possible to supercrop the main stem or to select one or more of the individual branches…
Here’s link on supercropping InTheShed supercropping however be advised this might trigger an auto to start flowering right away

Don’t water where your roots are, water where you want them to grow… in other words water a few inches away so roots will seek out that moisture. Emilya’s How to water potted plant guide

Hope it helps!

Thank you for answering !

I´m a begginer, and this being an auto I feel kinda scared to do any high stress training, so I think I will stick to low stress training if I feel like the stem won´t break. If I feel like the stem is not getting stronger at the bottom, do you think I should just bury it with more soil ?

I read Emylia guides for watering and followed since it was a seedling, and they are great. I think I´m doing it correctly, watering slowly mostly outside and waiting for the pot to get completely dry before the next one. I´m just not watering to runoff because I´ve seen on multiple places that it can flush nutrients off the organic super soil, so I am sticking with the amount of water the super soil brand guidelines recommend me.
Sure, no worries! Same here I started as beginner too as did most of us

The stem will be just fine as it is… and yes you can fill in a little dirt around the stem too. Just don’t bury it too deeply all at once because that area is what’s known as a crown.

I noticed the dry soil and kinda figured you were really paying attention to the watering situation. Nice work, that’s perfect because many people crash young plants with too much water, so you are ahead of the curve.

You can stay right here and post updates on your grow or ask more questions and different members will jump in to help.
Damping off is a fungus that usually attacks very young seedlings, and you're well past that stage now.

But, for future grows, especially if you're growing organic, putting some worm castings on the top of the soil and even a little in your watering water will protect your plant.
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