Bonsai Plants


Well-Known Member
Hello 420! i have a couple of bonsais and im new with them :) i was woundering if anyone has any or knows any care tips. As far as iv read they like to be moist (watered every 2 day or so) and not to much light or direct sun light. They seem like they need the kinda care that our ladies like but in different doses, But theres things like the temps and more that im not 100% about. The one iv had for a couple of months has been sheeding leaves, they say it will do this due to enviroment change stress. But mine i think is loosing abit much:/ Anyway post away and ill upload some pics tomorrow :D:peace:
We have a bonsai tree and after trail and error with previous trees we find that transplanting in the first year you have doesn't work too well. We water until it flows through then leave in a pot of water for 2-3 hours before pouring excess water out. We do this every 3-5 days. They do like to be in a warm area but not in too much direct sunlight. Ours thrives in a room that's always between 18 and 26 degrees.
I know this an old post but i can tell you that those are ficus trees. At least the one on the right is for sure. They are a tropical tree that are ideal for indoor bonsai cuz they dislike the cold and cannot survive outdoors in cold winters.

Bonsai is actually the art of making miniature trees to replicate trees one might see in nature. Alot of people think bonsai is a type or species of tree but in fact most trees found in nature can be made into bonsai thru pruning techniques and the use of small pots, the purpose of the small pots is to retard the growth of the tree by making it rootbound. Most trees are repotted only once every 2 or 3 years by taking the tree out of the pot, root pruning it and placing it back im the same pot with fresh "soil". Most artists use a lava rock based soil to allow extremely fast drainage of water to draw in alot of oxygen to the roots. I myself use a product called turface for my trees.

Ive been a novice artist since 2009 and also been a member of 2 bonsai clubs where i used to live. I hope i have given some insight and feel free to ask anymore questions you might have.

And also... i just use a 10-10-10 based chemical fert like ozmocote for my trees.
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