Blue curing jars?


New Member
I just went and bought a bunch of jars for curing. I noticed that Ball has some that are blue and it got me thinking. When you get a prescription or even a beer and some hooch, they are in dark glass or plastic to help with light degradation.

Would this be the same case with the blue jars? Would it help the cure/storage?


That's an interesting thought. Do I see an experiment in your future? You got me wondering if light from different spectrums would play any kind of role in curing. It does with beer.
Blue wont matter only if they were the dark brown glass. Green bottles are useless for beer only brown blocks light so I would assume blue wouldn't make much difference either unless it was really dark. I usually wrap black construction paper around my jars like an ant farm when I am curing. Not sure if it matters or not but if it helps then it is worth it.
I store my glass mason jars in a closed cardboard box, keeps the light out but they are readily accessible for inspection. I wouldn't think that any particular color would affect curing unless the additive used to make the color leaches out over time. Blue is typically made with Cobalt and I sure wouldn't want that anywhere near my stash.
Light will definitely degrade the quality of your cannabis. Not sure about the blue glass and it's light-filtering abilities, but I doubt it would impede the curing process. I use C-Vaults. I've had a harvest curing in them for almost 3 months and it's still getting better.
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