Bloom-from-seed - No Mercy growing? And Scrog?


Well-Known Member
So this is an interesting concept I'd never heard of before. You plant a seed and start it at 12/12.. Or in DrZiggy's case 11/13...

Conventional wisdom would have it that the plants would just grow one little weak bud but in practice it seems like they turn into pretty nice colas and in not much time either.

I was thinking about going with autoflowers because I want to keep my light usage at a minimal, so the idea of starting in 12/12 is already intriguing. I read a lot of journals about this but missed the main points. Who can sum up the process for me from start to finish?

I have a 4x4x6 tent, and I'm going to get a 400w cool tube setup. Biggest reason I want to use less light is electricity, otherwise I am hoping it will help with heat issues. The autoflowers I just knew I could get a decent amount off, but if I can just start any regular phtoperiod plant in 12/12 and have it act like an auto thst would be awesome.

I plan on buying feminized seeds. Anyone ever Scrog one of these types of grows too? I saw DrZiggy's got taller than I expected. Just not sure when one would expect the "stretch" to come and line the holes up with bud sites and then wouldn't it just grow lots of little buds instead of a cola? I wouldn't mind if I got the same yield.

Plus I don't have plans to cycle so the more harvests I can fit in a year the better. Let's also say for pretend I'm working with a 4 plant limit versus just filling the tent.
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