Blood Test at my Dr - I'm scared! Please help


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I am in Oklahoma. I have been diagnosed with Rhumetoid Arthritis, ADHD, Fibromyalgia, Nuropathy, and Lupus. Sjögren's Syndrome went into remission shortly after I started smoking. I use weed to cut out the nausea so I can eat, help with my chronic pain, headaches, stomach issues I live in chronic pain and have lost over 100 lbs since being diagnosed with RA. I've smoked for 9 years but it is illegal here and my Dr wants to give me a blood test. How long do I need to quit to pass this test?

I was a size 14... Now I'm a size 8, 5'8'' and weigh 130 lbs. I read blood tests only show active THC and 3 days of no smoking will do it. Is this true? I'm so sick I can't eat without my greens.

It's cruel they give us these medicines that tear our bodies up and make me sicker. My stomach spazzes out too and I smoke to calm it down.

I will whither away without smoking. Thank you for any personal advice that will put me at ease.
Re: Blood Test at my Dr... I'm scared! Please help

A) Unless they are looking for drugs there is no reason it would come up as an issue.
B) If it was detected, there is no law against having THC in your blood or urine - unless of course it was a DUI specimen collection or something of that nature.
C) If it were me, I'd keep taking my medicine regardless. My health is more important to me.
Re: Blood Test at my Dr... I'm scared! Please help

Suni27, :welcome: to :420: my friend. We are glad that you are here. The wife and I have had many blood tests done. They have to be looking specifically for THC in a blood test to see if it is there. It is not part of any standard medical test. It is a separate test. They won't look for it unless you give them a reason to look. I would recommend taking a shower, washing your hair, putting on some deodorant, and some fresh clothes and going to get it done. Don't smoke after all that preparation so that your eyes are not bloodshot and so that you don't smell like cannabis. You should be good to go. There is some excellent information in this link 420 Drug Testing that may help you. Good luck and don't worry needlessly. :cheer: :Namaste:
Re: Blood Test at my Dr... I'm scared! Please help

Welcome suni27, it can stay in your system for 30 days or longer, it all depends on your fat content, the THC is stored in fat cells. The more fat you have the longer it is detectable, also the length of your hair could be an issue, the longer your hair, the further back it can be tested for. However, a physician, patient relationship is confidential unless you are a threat to someone's safety or your own. Even if your doctor tests for illegal drugs, it shouldn't make a difference unless they don't want you using MJ, or one of the many other substances. Don't sweat it. I never lie to my doctor about anything, it's important that you feel comfortable enough to be open and honest with them. They can't help to their fullest ability if they don't know everything about what you are putting in your body. Good luck and I personally wouldn't waste your time worrying. The stress is far worse for your health than using marijuana.
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