Bleach in drug tests?

Stl Bud

New Member
I was reading other forums and one of the guys suggested that you put a few drops of bleach in your urine cup and that'll do the trick? does it change the color of your piss? how many drops exactly should you put in and does it really work? sorry just a little worried work is about to drop the piss test bomb on me, always gotta be ready.
I'm pretty sure later in the thread some one said that this would not work. I would spend the 30-50 bux on a detox of some sort. There is a good one at GNC and ReadyClean is available at many head shops. There is a head shop in Flint rumered to sell ReadyClean for 18 bux a bottle.
Well, supposedly it works, but if it's being sent to a lab they detect aduleterants thus making this method practical only for home tests.
The best bet is to just hold off and smoking until after the test.

Why get busted for not only failing the test, but faking the test too?

If you ABSOLUTELY must fake the test, stick to a reliable detox kit.
ah nice, yeah i think i'm just gonna go down to this headshop called spectrums because i know they sell detox kits there. i just got excited when i heard that the bleach would work but i think i'll just play it safe and go for the detox kits. thanks for the replies though.
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