BioBizz Allmix storage and seedling questions

Mad Woodsman

New Member
hi folks,
first post, glad to be part of this great community and have been learning lots in lurk mode for the past while!

I'm about to start my first indoor grow and have a quick question about using Allmix soil.
I bought it about 3 years ago and it has been stored in a dry, dark place, unopened, since.
Will it be alright to use or does it go out of date if left too long?
Sorry if this is a dumb question, just a bit worried about mould or other nastys it might have picked up while in storage.

I'm also hoping it will be alright to plant the seedling in it and that its nutes won't be too strong for it. I've read as much in various posts, unless anyone has found otherwise?
Might it make sense to add some extra perlite at the seedling stage? It says on the bag its got 30% perlite in it already but it looks like less than that.

well I found this bit of info from RooRman: soil storage

"For organic soil, I simply store it in a large container with no top. As long as it is not damp it will not grow mold. In fact, aged soil is even better then soil that is mixed and used immediately. Aging the soil allows beneficial microbes and root fungus (if present) to colonize the soil."

sounds promising!
I'm gonna start germinating today and hope to be planting in a couple of days hopefully.
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