Bio Biz soil question


Well-Known Member
Guys,I made an error when I bought my soil and I thought I had got BIO-BIZ light mix, but it was all mix. Difference being,L.M e.c is 1.2 , the other,2.2. How is this likely to affect my grow,as im flipping in a week. Will it sustain it for the next 2 weeks before I feed it bloom? My run off after 3 weeks is still 1.8. Hows that?
I wouldn't feed bloom nutes until first signs of flowers start to show usually around a week after flip. Just start with half doses and build up. This is where experience will come In and you start to read the plants with what and how much feed they need. How long have they been in the soil? I think all mix has around 4 weeks worth of feed strain dependant and I wouldn't worry about run off in soil.
Ive used allmix from seed and had zero problems. I waited quite a while before their first feed about 4-5 weeks but in hindsight I could have fed earlier about 2-3 weeks (obviously very weak mix). Its not as hot as people have made out. With your plants being that age, theyll eat up the nutes in the soil quicktime. Dw yaself fam :D
People have blatently encountered problems as a result of other factors being involved aswell. To early feeding, let the soil dry to much to quickly etc. But again these are all seedling problems. Youre all gravy mate
I wouldn't feed bloom nutes until first signs of flowers start to show usually around a week after flip. Just start with half doses and build up. This is where experience will come In and you start to read the plants with what and how much feed they need. How long have they been in the soil? I think all mix has around 4 weeks worth of feed strain dependant and I wouldn't worry about run off in soil.
Seriously my friend its not that hot. When I translant from tiny pots into 5gal smarts I start feeding weak mixtures after their first 2 waters. I could have started feeding in their small pots but I wanted to get em upsized quick
I meant the plant dosnt need as much pk during stretch and until flowers show either way
Ahhhh ok fair play. Well thats good news for me aswell then cos I just went to flip and dont have my pk boosters yet. Ive got my bloom nutes but its still got a fair bit of N in it.
I wouldn't feed bloom nutes until first signs of flowers start to show usually around a week after flip. Just start with half doses and build up. This is where experience will come In and you start to read the plants with what and how much feed they need. How long have they been in the soil? I think all mix has around 4 weeks worth of feed strain dependant and I wouldn't worry about run off in soil.
In soil since 1st april,from seed.You could be right about 4 wks feed. Its 27 days now and they still look good. Started 12/12 today. Im aware of feeding schedule ,etc,no problem there. Im quite experienced after 15 yr!!! Ive never had issues regarding when to feed as I look at the colour of my leaves and pot weight. Thanks for reply.
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