BigSmokie's first grow


New Member
ok this is my first grow and my plant is 10 days old.... sorry about the pics crappy camera lol


Looking nice and green keep it up.
What Kind Is It?
Wher Did Ya Get The Seed From?
What Do You Have For Light?
Looks Good.. Keep On Growing.......
P.j. Out.
If you are going for the organic rout, wich you have already started out doing, I would suggest mixing in your flower nutes a week or so befor you flower. That way the organics have some time to get happy with the soil so when you go into flower you will have good NPK.
Depends on how much you want to yield, how big you want it to get, or how long you want to wait for the harvest time. You can force flower a plant when it's a seedling, but you won't get as much if you let it get, let's say, 20 inches. The bigger it is, generally, the faster it begins to flower/show signs of sex, the longer it takes for the plant to finish flowering, and the bigger the yeild.

Most plants double or triple in size when you flower them, so plan ahead how long you want to wait and how much you want to yield.
If you flower at 6 inches you'll end up with a 2 foot plant (more or less), depending on what strain it is.

I just wait for signs of pre-flowers, which means it's ready to flower. Less stress for the plant, I think.
Syrup said:
Depends on how much you want to yield, how big you want it to get, or how long you want to wait for the harvest time. You can force flower a plant when it's a seedling, but you won't get as much if you let it get, let's say, 20 inches. The bigger it is, generally, the faster it begins to flower/show signs of sex, the longer it takes for the plant to finish flowering, and the bigger the yeild.

Most plants double or triple in size when you flower them, so plan ahead how long you want to wait and how much you want to yield.
If you flower at 6 inches you'll end up with a 2 foot plant (more or less), depending on what strain it is.

I just wait for signs of pre-flowers, which means it's ready to flower. Less stress for the plant, I think.

You're exactly right.
Nice plant, buddy. ^_^
Lookin good so far man.
How often are you watering? Get a notebook and write down the date every time you water, easiest way to see if you are over or under watering. Record how much water you give it at a time too. I found I needed to water with lest water less often.
what kinda light do you have on it?

Edit: i noticed you have like this bald spot on the side, something happen to it, or if iam right thats due to light being to far away, nodes spaced way apart. or thats the way it grew?
Is this grow still alive brother?
If so, please update us with some pictures and info...

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial

I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates...

Thanks and hope all is well in your world brother!...;)

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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