Bigbudzzz420's White Widow Spider Den


Well-Known Member
Hey guys , I'm back after a short break . For those of you that followed my last grow of mephisto autos - I dropped off right at the end of my harvest. I ended up filling up 10 jars which equaled out to 24 ounces.

I ended up retiring the three tents I was using at the old place and building a sexy new grow room at the new place .

We are working with roughly 4x12x5,5 area now . There are future plans for a separate veg/clone area.

We have 2 California light works 550s and the meizhi 1200 hanging in the spider den .

We are using mostly 5 gal buckets , some square , some round and also a couple 3 gals and 1 gals.

Soil- blended with root candy , roots organics 707 and vermifire .

Nutes - as always, Advanced nutrients.

Strain - 27 white widow feminized.

Fans- 1, 8 inch fan/filter combo exhaust

Intake - 2, 6 inch fan/filter combo

Plans to add more as we go .
We are transitioning into week 4 veg and will be flipping to flower Sunday May 19th and will finish early August .

Pics will be coming as soon as possible. I'm new to the web interface ad the app is not longer supported unfortunately.
Update- 1st day a flower on a 12/12 cycle. They nearly doubled their size since the last pictures that I had taken.

I went ahead and lollipopped them and use the clippings for clones. I wanted to make sure that I got rid of all that lower crap because to trim 27 plants plus popcorn bud is going to make me want to hang myself.

I ended up experimenting with the 23 clones that I have, I put them in a fish tank with a low powered T5 light. I figured I would keep the humidity up real high and keep them warm but not too warm. I'm going to try to leave the light on 24 hours a day for the next couple weeks to see how that works.

I can submit some pictures of the Clones once they start to perk up because right now they are pretty sad-looking.

I may do a feed tomorrow depending on how light the pots are.

Pictures to come soon
Nice cant wait! God knows I wish I had the space to run that many!!!! Go get em buds
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