Best way to smoke Kief


New Member
Hey guys, just got myself a nice new grinder, and a very nice ounce of pot. I got the grinder with the little tray at the bottom where the keif(crystals) fall down into it....when i've grinded up a substancial amount of weed, the keif obviousley builds up down there, and i haven't been one to come accross this good of weed before, and i'm not sure weather to just put it on top of a bowl, in the middle, or just fuckin' load it all into one bowl by itself...what's your guys' best way to smokin' it....all information would be awesome! Peace out guys..hopefully i can get some answers ASAP cuz i road triped it down to Wyoming to see a buddy of mine at school, and were headin' into the mountains the first time chillin' in this type of scenery, should be fun. Happy Tokin' To YA'LL

I personally like to layer my kief. Such as:

pack 1/4 bowl
layer of kief
pack 1/4 bowl
layer of kief

...and so on till its full. I know some people like putting it in the middle, and some like to top off the bowl with it, and ive known a few people who run out of weed before they run out of kief and just smoke it straight, ive tried it once and it was INTENSE. Made my eyes water helluv bad, but I was high as shit, just felt like a waste to me tho.
Make some hash!!! Increase the potency, plus when everyone hears you've got some hash it's instant popularity among pot heads.
i usually plug the bowl with a small small piece of bud
then fill the rest of the bowl full with kief
then smoke away =)
HEy just like AJ said it killer man. Have fun while it last>..........PEace Out JUst had a bowl of some crazy crazy KInd BUd here in GOOd old Va. (smoke every day)
I smoked some kief the other day (it had been 2 or 3 years since I last had some kief.) it was a nice diffrent high from ganes.
legitimate hash can really only be made one way: grinding, soaking in isopropyl alcohol, and cooking. realistically, it's only efficient with swag or low-grade chronic.
i like to mix the kief and bud together all through out it only with chron though as making "hash" i take the kief put it in a baggy and put it in the bottom of my shoe and go for a long stony walk and the weight of u compresses it into a nice hard nug of fun and it gets you hella high.
Making it into hash will not really increase potency. If anything it will bring it down alittle. To make keif into hash you add heat and press it into a ball. Heat degrades THC. I do the same as sptyoty or just like aj does if I have enough.
penumbrian said:
legitimate hash can really only be made one way: grinding, soaking in isopropyl alcohol, and cooking. realistically, it's only efficient with swag or low-grade chronic.
This is NOT hash it is OIL. There is a differance. Hash is tumbles seived or water seived. The water casing of the trichome is still intact. Solvents such as alcohol and butane desolve the outer layer of the trichome. After it just leaves the oils inside.
My favourite way of smoking kief is just loading bowls full of it. We smoked a kief joint once, and as it burned further down, it kept getting more solid and burning slower, and we ended up hitting it for about 20 minutes. After a while it started to smell and taste like hash. And later that night when I smoked the roach I got even higher than I did when we smoked the joint.
johnnypotsmoker said:
My favourite way of smoking kief is just loading bowls full of it. We smoked a kief joint once, and as it burned further down, it kept getting more solid and burning slower, and we ended up hitting it for about 20 minutes. After a while it started to smell and taste like hash. And later that night when I smoked the roach I got even higher than I did when we smoked the joint.

i agree...straight kief is the way to go :grinjoint:
I found a pretty fun way to smoke kief and tastes nice: dry rose petals with kief on them
taste like roses and gets u high :D
lavender's good too
I am so glad I ran into this. I found this thread by Google, and now just a tiny amount of kief has me making it impossible to type this.:icon_cool
I found a pretty fun way to smoke kief and tastes nice: dry rose petals with kief on them
taste like roses and gets u high :D
lavender's good too

smoking rose peddles?.... im not sure about that..... you ever though what might be i a rose peddle?... if you get Alzheimer:wood: prematurely you might know why....
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