Best method for a camping trip?


New Member
Hello everyone. I am going on a camping trip (my very first, so excited) in a couple weeks. I use cannabis for my pain and anxiety at home, and I WAS going to bring my vape with me while out in the woods. However, plans changed and my niece and sister in law will be coming with. I DO NOT want to let it on that I'm vaping/smoking/etc with them there. On top of wanting to keep it away from a kid, my sister in law would, I'm pretty sure 100% bogart my stuff.

I was thinking about making budder and baking cookies or something like that. Then I saw the forum on thc pills. NOW I JUST DONT KNOW lol. What method would you all suggest for best relief? :thanks:
Well, my vape is really small and discrete and that's what I brought camping last month. An edible could easily be consumed by someone else who found it so you would have to be careful with that too. Plus with edibles strength can vary greatly, especially if you are not experienced at making them. You could easily end up noticeably medicated!

If I were doing edibles for a camping trip I'd do my peanut budder cups. It's just cannabutter mixed with peanut butter quickly baked in a muffin tin (following the right steps of course).

Noticeably medicated is fine, In fact it might just help me get along with everyone. lol The only vape I have right now is the genie, so its not so easy to hide lol. I planned on doing a few batches of regular whatever i bring so everyone has their own, and mine are just extra special. (plus then I get to use stickers, and markers on their boxes or baggies. I love to bedazzle shit.....I may have done it to my vapor genie....ITS SO PRETTY!)Thank you for the suggestion, I'll be looking those up! lol
I decided to just shop for a new pen vape, so incase I am seen, they will be used to the sight. However I do need to say that they would be secure if I did bring them. They would be on my person, where she couldn't get to them, or in the tent in my LOCKED stash box. She is old enough to understand to not touch our stuff or enter our tent/room/wherever without permission. Her uncle, (my hubs) is very... Weird about stuff, and personal space no matter what or where it is.
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