Bending or Crushing tops in flowering stage?


New Member
I've been growing for a couple of years and have heard of some technique where you can "crush" the stalks near the top and create additional buds and limit height. I am not talking about the common practice of topping the plants during the veg stage. Is anyone familiar with this technique?


Thanks, I looked up super cropping and found some info. I have some plants that are in the second week of flowering and are getting too tall for my GR. I thought this technique might work. however, it sounds as if I'm too late.

thanks again:peace:
Thanks Again for all your help. I read everything I could find on super cropping and decided to tie the branches down instead. I have a small growspace about 15 sq ft that is vertically challenged. I have a combo of g-13, power plant and strawberry cough. The power plants (3) were 6-10 inches taller than the others. I tied them down two weeks ago and they haven't missed a beat.

Thanks Again,

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