Becoming an independent grower


New Member
Does anyone have any ideas as to how u cab go legit and sell my products to dispensaries.. I have the main strain I want to use as a base and eventually will have all 16 of the main strains I want to produce and breed fro recreational and the 4 high CDB strains id like for medicinal.. I guess what my goal is to do is to use these to both pedal my way into the financial part by making money off of what i grow and work towards breeding and crossing to make my own strain. The crazy part is some teams who do end up breading and crossing their own end up having a go at it time and time again sometimes naming their strain with the final products number for how many times it took them to get their.. Kinda commemorating the journey fir that one strain.. Anyway all that's just side note staff anyway.. But seriously any experts out their with some info would greatly be appreciated.. I would think whatever the course be id have to have a finalized product for THC & CBD percentages to see if what I have and have put into its even worth them selling.. 4-6 months of anticipation ahead hope I can get some really good answers by then.. Thanx to whoever my be of help.. ✌
State law's vary so it's kinda hard to answer. From what I understand, you'll need a commercial grow license and a vendor's license. Get ahold of your state's MMJ board and go from there. I'm sure they even have an Internet site you can get more information from.

Sent from my SM-N900T using 420
Thnx.. Ya the only thing I've read about so far is that alot if the legit states only allow 30% of their product to be purchased from outside their own facilities.. Don't know much past that.. Thnx again its definitely a better first step then I had so far..
Yeah, but that doesn't mean you couldn't supply a few location's too. 30% isn't bad. Also, I do know that if you plan on growing commercially, you're going to have to send a plant to the state once she's flowered. Again, states differ.

Sent from my SM-N900T using 420
, well I guess that's not to bad.. I just have to hurry a clone into cuz I ain't getting rid of any potential mothers till their all cloned out and at a perfect bud stage.. The one strain I have on the way right now is supposed to get monstrous (8'-10'+). Perfect mainline and super cropping strain cuz it just doesn't quit growing.. Lol Thnx for that piece of info too
You would have to look online for your State, as rules and costs for a license are all over the freaking place. Like here for Rec you have to be licensed, so got to have about 5 grand laying around to cough up for license (if you meet all the rules far as convictions etc.. go), and then you have to pay taxes on what you make and you can't write off the business expenses (cost of growing etc..) as it is "illegal" on the Fed level still. Far as I know most States you can't sell outside the State. Example: you can't take it from OR to WA or vice versa even just your personal stash while on vacation, as both States have those rules in place, and Technically by Federal law transporting drugs across State Lines is an extra Felony on top of any Felonies for illegal possession.
Here on top of having to be licensed in order to do Recreational Growing you have to track each plant from seed to harvest and sell only to a licensed Dispensary, have to have it tested for content but now also have to have it tested for chemicals (only a certain number of pesticides and other chemicals allowed to use), so anything not allowed and you can't sell the whole crop. If a Dispensary you have to have a license to sell it and you can only buy from licensed growers, along with a myrid of other regulations on how it is packaged and amounts you can sell per day. Same goes for folks trying to make Eatables or Concentrates, similar or more red tape govt stuff. So yes have to have a lot of money to make money legally in this business and a myriad of potential major headaches that could come up (not counting the Feds potential headaches).
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