Becca's B+, Blue Meanie, Purple Mystic From Spore Genetics & Blue Yeti LC Fun Run

They are petite little things, aren't they, @JiggiLotus Here's a look through the USB microscope.

Thanks, CL! It will be interesting to see what the 113mg of BMC does. I think I'm going to grind it with a mortar & pestle and put it in gelatin capsule.

Forgot to mention earlier- the BMC test bag is fruiting. Not a big flush but I'll get some more shrooms from it.

The Blue Yeti AIO bag was ready to mix last night and was very rhizomorphic all around, so I squish-n-smashed the big solid chunk of mycelium and mixed it all throughout. This morning I can see condensation all around the sides of the bag at the bottom so it's really taking off.
I watched an interesting video on utube about making tinctures from mushies. I forget the exact details though. CL🍀
I watched an interesting video on utube about making tinctures from mushies. I forget the exact details though. CL🍀
Was that the one with the guy using the Soxhlet apparatus, @CaptainLucky?

I see there are several that talk about double extraction, too.
I'm not convinced you need to get that technical unless you're going to sell the stuff... Psilocybin and psilocyn are highly soluble in ethanol to begin with, so the home hobbyist could probably get by just grinding the dried shrooms very finely and soaking in alcohol, then strain and filter the liquid and evaporate to desired viscosity.
I'm not convinced you need to get that technical unless you're going to sell the stuff... Psilocybin and psilocyn are highly soluble in ethanol to begin with, so the home hobbyist could probably get by just grinding the dried shrooms very finely and soaking in alcohol, then strain and filter the liquid and evaporate to desired viscosity.
I’m not sure about that either but I like the idea of taking a few drops of it compared with eating it. It also reminds of the droppers of LSD back n the day. lol 😂 CL🍀
I was thinking about making some Electric Wine Coolers. Extract the goodies with 151 Rum or Everclear, filter & mix with fruit juice or wine. Much more palatable, super easy. 🍷🍹🥂
I am amazed I was able to produce 6 spore prints from one large BMC cap, although the first few aren't as dense because I didn't let it sit as long. It appears something like 6 hours is a minimum to get a good, dense print. All you have to do to keep the cap dropping spores is put some drops of water on it between prints. It's really cool seeing the cap suck up the drops.

I've been opening the BMC test bag for an FAE twice a day for about a week and misting the inside wall of the bag if needed. It's interesting that it is taking longer to produce than the shoebox in the fruiting chamber/SAB.

I took the Blue Yeti bag out of the shoebox it was in and spread it out on a piece of cardboard to give it the maximum surface area and promote a larger flush. I really like their larger bags. It's covered with another black bag while it colonizes the substrate.

Meanwhile... Back in the SAB, the shoeboxes are prepping for their next performance! I added another 100mL of distilled water to both. Based on measured results, my calculations show the mushrooms used around 300mL in each shoebox. I've now replaced 225mL in each tub after adding 100mL to each today. I'm not certain how they came up with that water weight/3 recommendation. I'll check them tomorrow to see if they've absorbed it all.





Harvested most of the first flush from the BMC test bag this morning and pulled 57.95g. Left a few of the smaller ones to mature. Not a huge harvest but dried will bring the BMC total to 33.4g.


Just checked the shoeboxes for standing water, and there was some in each. Siphoned off the excess and measured it. Each tub absorbed another 20mL overnight, bringing the rehydration total to about 150mL per shoebox, corresponding to harvest wet weight/2, rather than the suggested /3.

So I'll add about 30mL aqua to the BMC test bag... ;)
Harvested most of the first flush from the BMC test bag this morning and pulled 57.95g. Left a few of the smaller ones to mature. Not a huge harvest but dried will bring the BMC total to 33.4g.


Just checked the shoeboxes for standing water, and there was some in each. Siphoned off the excess and measured it. Each tub absorbed another 20mL overnight, bringing the rehydration total to about 150mL per shoebox, corresponding to harvest wet weight/2, rather than the suggested /3.

So I'll add about 30mL aqua to the BMC test bag... ;)
Looks like someone has some happy times in their future. Hope you enjoy your mushies. I keep wanting to do a lemon 🍋 tek session with my Purple 🧙 Mystics . But life seems to have my mind not in the right place for a confident trip. CL🍀
I've got enough to last years now, @CaptainLucky. I'm running out of room in the freezer, lol. I think once the new Blue Yeti bag is in I'll try growing some Lions Mane and Shitake. Maybe some Oysters too.
I know what you mean @BeccaBuds
I did a little more than 3 1/2 grams Saturday night of Blue Yeti. I did not have much color stimulation, but I did have some hallucinations like walls shifting and such. I watch a documentary - How to Change your Mind on net flic. It was a 4 part series and covers LSD, Mushrooms Ecstasy and Mescaline. My son an I mostly watch TV and didn't even smoke because we were to high to roll. :rofl:

@BeccaBuds I suggest 2 to 3 grams to start. I was closer to 4 than 3 1/2 grams. It came on hard and did not stop for about 4 1/2 hour and the next day I was spent. Not as productive as usual.

My son had a terrible upset stomach his whole high. I think it is because her had some super sweet B-day cake before he ate the shrooms.

Have you tried them yet?

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Tok.. :bong:
We'll see, CL. The soil is used so it might be too "salty" or lack nutrition. Thinking of giving the pot some AN Bud Candy. It has several forms of sugars to feed soil microbes. If I had some earthworm castings I'd mulch that in too, but I'm low budget after paying rent. :rolleyes:
I know that shrooms can grow on a light seedling dose in coir. You're killing it!! I wanna be your neighbor!!! 😎✌️
I know what you mean @BeccaBuds
I did a little more than 3 1/2 grams Saturday night of Blue Yeti. I did not have much color stimulation, but I did have some hallucinations like walls shifting and such. I watch a documentary - How to Change your Mind on net flic. It was a 4 part series and covers LSD, Mushrooms Ecstasy and Mescaline. My son an I mostly watch TV and didn't even smoke because we were to high to roll. :rofl:

@BeccaBuds I suggest 2 to 3 grams to start. I was closer to 4 than 3 1/2 grams. It came on hard and did not stop for about 4 1/2 hour and the next day I was spent. Not as productive as usual.

My son had a terrible upset stomach his whole high. I think it is because her had some super sweet B-day cake before he ate the shrooms.

Have you tried them yet?

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Tok.. :bong:
I'm gonna have to check that out on netflicks. Sounds interesting and right up my alley.
Yes, Tok, I have tried the Blue Yeti. A heroic dose, btw, that left me with post-toastiosis (I felt burnt out) for a day or so. All I can say is... whewwww...🔥o_O🔥

I'm not a netflix subscriber... I'll have to settle for the How To Change Your Mind trailer on youtube, lol... and eating shrooms.

Speaking of shrooms, I measured the temperature of the Blue Yeti bag with my ExTech IR200 Infrared Thermometer at 83.8F or almost 6 degrees too warm. Found a hot spot that read 85.6F.

I'm going to have to just carry on. I have an air conditioner but I don't want to spend the money to run it. This may be the last run until the warm season is past.

Despite being a tad warm for a Yeti, the culture is going nuts and has fully colonized the medium. It's almost ready to flip to fruiting conditions.

It's been a week since the B+ harvest and 5 days since BMC. Both have received 150mL of distilled water and been covered in the darkened, closed-up SAB. They both measured 77.6F with the IR200. They are both soon ready to flip too!


Flipped all 3 cultures back to fruiting mode by opening the shoeboxes, opening the SAB FAE ports, enabling the Shroomidifier and Shroomlamp in the SAB, and cutting 2 breathing tabs on the Blue Yeti grow bag. Already lots of pins & starts in both shoeboxes. Test bag kind of idling. It's a little hard to tell looking through the bag but the Blue Yeti may be forming some pins as well. Weather is much cooler today so smooth sailing.


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