BakedARea 2020: CBD Glue Tide & CBD High Tide

This will be my first time growing from seeds! I opted for some high CBD genetics. I'm hoping to get at least 1 male from each strain. It would be cool to get some pollen and do some controlled pollination to produce more seeds for the future. I know I probably should have planted more seeds to improve my odds. Maybe I'm just too much of a tightwad to plant them all... I'm also worried about space.

I'm attempting to germinate in soil in a dome. Ignore the temp and humidity. I had just pulled the sensor from another spot. I will be using it to remotely monitor them and be able to record data points for future reference. They will be in a room that doesn't get colder than 75 and gets to around 80 during the day. Should be a nice spot for them based on the research I've read. The only thing I'm worried about it is having sufficient light for them if and when they sprout.

Do you think inside a greenhouse with 8+ hrs of natural light is sufficient to keep them from getting too stretched out?

Anyone have experience with Equilibrium and specifically these strains? Any advice is welcome as always! Thanks




Still waiting to see some sprouts popping out. I am enjoying this anticipation and process. I'm really hoping they all germinate and then to test out the sex ratio odds. Pics of sprouts soon hopefully.
Ohhhh...what is this?! The first sprout! How in the heck did the seed end up way over there though? Haaa haaaa...I must have not been paying attention and knocked this tray over before putting the paper there to support them.


Wow! This was the difference between yesterday afternoon and this morning. What an amazing sight to see them grow this quickly. A little bummed that nothing has appeared in the other pots.

Since they are sprouting at different times and I don't want leggy sprouts, is it better if I pull the two that have sprouting and get them outside to enjoy some bright sunshine?




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Hey baked, I'll sub up if you don't mind. You've got some interesting stuff going on.

I hope to be growing some CBD strains soon, and I have an interest in getting myself some pollen in the future.

No expert grower here, but watch your young ones in sunshine. They don't need a lot of light until they're more established. I've cooked my fair share of seedlings in the past.

Hey baked, I'll sub up if you don't mind. You've got some interesting stuff going on.

I hope to be growing some CBD strains soon, and I have an interest in getting myself some pollen in the future.

No expert grower here, but watch your young ones in sunshine. They don't need a lot of light until they're more established. I've cooked my fair share of seedlings in the past.

Thanks for the sub! I appreciate the wisdom. Thank you. I will keep them where they are for now. It is a south facing window that gets light for a good portion of the day. I am not an expert grower. I don't think I will ever be an expert with this plant. So many variables and different aspects to its biology. As a community we are barely scratching the surface of its benefits. I hope to mix in a lot of CBD into my infusions.

I hope to get a male of each strain. All to hopefully be able to get some pollen and start learning how to pollinate specific flowers. I would like to be able to create more seeds for my future needs as well as to encourage other local gardeners who may be reluctant to grow any type of cannabis.
Check this out! 6 for 6! They are all bursting out. Quite the difference from this morning's update. Very satisfying experience thus far. Now to baby these beauties. I spent most of the day in the garden and prepping the soil for the fabric pots where these will end up going. I will be growing one of the high tide in the ground near where the sunflower decoration is in the pic. I'll have to prune that sweet broom quite a bit though...I've let it go nuts. I'll probably move the little pomegranate shrub too.






Thanks @CagedApe ! This little update is for you.

I have some labeled "CBD" so I don't get stoned and start planting other things in them. :laughtwo: :passitleft: I labeled two other with "TBD - Super Soil". I have an A and B pot. It was an off-the-cuff" mix so I don't have the exact measurements. I was listening to some great reggae and just started shoveling and mixing and got taken away on a fun and stress free afternoon. The components I did remember however...I'm only going to list B (it is the better one)! If anyone would like to try it or possibly criticize it, please do. I'm definitely open to constructive criticism.
Sunshine Peat Moss, Mother Earth Coco, A LOT of course sand (probably 20-25 lbs), roughly 24 cups of Stutzman Farms "Sup'R Green" Composted Chicken Manure (3-2-2), approx. 5lbs of Wiggle Worm Castings, Bone Meal, Blood Meal, Azomite, Perlite

Forgive the mess, it isn't spaced out and organized yet. I still have a lot more veggies sprouting and more to sow. I love being in the garden and just getting lost in the work. It's always worth all the sweat and blood that goes into it.

@CagedApe It is! It's a happy place for my soul and mind. The past two days have been so chill and relaxed. Trying to forget and ignore everything happening in the world. I have to go back into the mix tomorrow. Urgh...
Quick morning update on the babies. Still growing strong! They are so beautiful already. They are definitely stretching toward the window trying to get more light.

I was wondering if folks could give me additional insight on their requirements. Is this windowsill good/bright enough light? It faces south but only get direct light in the late afternoon. My house shades it for most of the day. Should I find a new spot for them? Maybe put them in my greenhouse which gets more direct light for parts of the day? It can get toasty in there though which spooks me.

Also, for how long should I keep them in the dome? What is the best way to prepare them for outdoor living (hardening off)? I already have opened the top vents BTW.



@CagedApe Now that they've sprouted, I was going to put them in the greenhouse since I have that currently set for an additional 8 hrs of light after dusk. I was going to get them a dedicated grow light but would a led shop light suffice for night time light? Also, they have not got any direct sunlight yet. Only in the late afternoon what comes through the window. You are right though, even that could be too much and heat them up. I'll keep a closer eye on the temps and see what's happening.
Holy smokes...looks at these tap roots?! Whoa! All six of these sprouts have tap roots coming out of these tiny jiffy containers.

Should I put them in larger containers already? I should be able to simply place them in a larger pot with the jiffy container right?

Well...I forgot to close the window next to these babies. SMH...but they look fine. Thankfully I live in a mild climate and it didn't get too cold.

I am thinking I would like to put them into a 1/2 or 1 gallon container in the next day or two. Agree or disagree?

Another question...I may put this question in another thread to see how the conversation goes. Would you put one of these directly in the great yet? If not, why not? Thanks


Hey Baked I'll pipe up, but I'm far from top notch grower. So.….

I wouldn't put them outside yet, I'd wait for the first set of leaves to grow more. Let it form it's first set of true leaves. No need for the great outdoors until they have the equipment to deal with, and use it.

When you do move them outside. Do one on it's own first to see how it copes.

Personally I'd do it at the weekend.

Then you can monitor how it's doing on it's first day out. Not sure what weather you're dealing with, but I know from experience too much Sun can make it all go south, quick.

As for up potting, I'd say yes. They obviously want to put down roots, so give them the space to do it.

Also, I think I'd up pot and let them settle in before giving them their first day out. The extra soil will give them more protection to whatever mother nature throws at them.

Hope I've been some help

Great advice! I appreciate you piping up. I'll move them up tonight and then keep them in a protected part of my greenhouse that doesn't get any direct light but still should be bright enough for their liking. I like your idea of only trying one at a time and monitor it carefully. Doing it on the weekend is another good point.
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