Bagseed grow - Advice


New Member
I started 2 plants from bagseed in late august. One plant turned out to be male and I tossed it. This is all just an experiment and for fun, I never intended to get much from the plant. I have stressed the plant numerous times by moving it and going on vacation (left it in complete dark for 6 days). I have a lot of bud sites, but I don't know if I can expect this to produce anything. I can of course keep on keeping on (and I will), but just curious what you folks with experience would expect from this.

I have been on 12-12 pretty much from the start. No real nutes, but my own compost. in frequent watering.
No that's 18/6 I talking about extending the dark period so it can flower

Psalm 104:14

"He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and the herb for the service of Man".
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