Bad experience?


New Member
Back in 2004, i used to smoke a bit of pot..the first time i had bush and i could manage heaps and i just felt really time i smoked something i have no idea what it was but i think it was hydro, i thaught i was going to die. My heart was pounding and i felt as if i could slowly feel the blood pumping around my body. I hadnt had this before and it frightened me, for ages after iw ould get paranoid about it andi havent smoked it since. Now that i know more about it i want to smoke some bush as it is more relaxing than hydro, but im affriad i will get the negative effects again.
Your views?
You might have just smoked too much. I thought I was gonna die a few times from smoking so many bongs. I smoked some hash yesterday and was afraid I was gonna feel sick but I was good.

Drink lots of water, thats what I do and I don't feel like that. also I don't get a headache which happens sometimes after being high from smoking really good dank, and then coming down a few hours later, with a headache.
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