Baby clones are flowering!

Simon Limon

Well-Known Member
I have Critical Mass and Jack Herer clones from a friend. The CM are just over 12 inches high and Herers about 8 inches. They have been in a south facing window since I brought them home -- hard freezing outside at night.

Yesterday I realized that the plants are flowering, showing very tiny white pistils (?).

I'm sure this isn't what I want but don't know the best way to deal with it. I assume that the grower had them under a regular light schedule and perhaps it is darker here and that triggered flowering?

I would appreciate your help!
Toss us a pic Simon Limon the smart folks will be able to tell for sure. Sounds like preflower stuff, depending on the clone stock might just be showing off that it's gonna be a girl. CHeers mate! :yahoo:
Hey I just thought of something, even if they are budding, you can reveg them. Just get them in the right light, or keep them alive long enough to get them outside for nature to fix it. Not sure but I think to do Jack Herer from seed isn't that cheap.
Hey I just thought of something, even if they are budding, you can reveg them. Just get them in the right light, or keep them alive long enough to get them outside for nature to fix it. Not sure but I think to do Jack Herer from seed isn't that cheap.
I got a Jack going from seed right now. Pretty much same cost.
I got a Jack going from seed right now. Pretty much same cost.

Did you get the seed given to you? He was given the clone. Seedsman is selling Jack Herer fem'd for about $20 a seed.
Did you get given the seed? He got given the clone. Seedsman is selling Jack Herer fem'd for about $20 a seed.
I think they only have a select few right now because of virus. I got my jack from them and I think I paid under $10 for each.
I think they only have a select few right now because of virus. I got my jack from them and I think I paid under $10 for each.

It's $65 for 3 atm and you cant buy less, so the cost to grow one or three is $65 plus shipping and who knows when you might get not exactly the same cost. Not as expensive as I thought, but definitely more than free.
It's $65 for 3 atm and you cant buy less, so the cost to grow one or three is $65 plus shipping and who knows when you might get not exactly the same cost. Not as expensive as I thought, but definitely more than free.
i just checked and the Jack I got in flower now, the seeds i got from them was before all this virus lockdown started. I just checked my order and I got them well cheaper then that. The problem right now is when you go to Seedsman's site, you only get their priority seeds instead of the full menu.
If they are handling your weather I'd guess they are probably fine wherever you decide to put them. I don't believe that you HAVE to trim anything, but it is probably suggested that some material is removed, and I found when I finally chopped the stuff that wasn't growing on the top, the bottom took off. Here's a journal that just got started I'm excited to follow that might be interesting to you too!

Critical Cheese Dinafem Post Harvest Reveg, First Ever Try
Pbass... sorry for the slow reply but I have my hands full trying to get our vegetable gardens and orchard under control.

The clones have been under a 4 foot LED, 24/7, for about a week now. This is not a fancy light but the plants seem to be doing okay -- still looking very much to me as if they are in flower but as I've said, this is an entirely new situation for me.

I have an outside garden bed ready for them but I don't know if they should be kept under the light until there is some indication that they are re-vegging.

What does re-veg look like? Any idea how long it takes?

BTW, the leaves are sticky and the smell, especially the Jacks, is really nice. This first photo is one of the Jack Herers, the second image is a Critical Mass.


Those are both reveging and that's what it looks like, albiet you have more material than I had/have. Youll see it more apparent soon. I think I trimmed a fair amount of material off once the plant established some nice dominant takes a long time though this plant was chopped on May 4 it's just starting to take off.

Thanks, PBass, I'm greatly relieved.

My next adventure is to take a few clones from a Jack Herer and Critical Mass. I don't really need clones (of these clones) but I'd like to gain the experience. I'm an experienced gardener but I've learned a great deal here that applies to all aspects of home growing anything. If I can clone cannabis I'll move on to cloning other plants here
Seedsman is selling Jack Herer fem'd for about $20 a seed.

The original Sensi Seeds strain? Or a different breeder's version?
Hey man,

You should count yourself lucky. These might turn into monster clones (that's what I call them at least) where, because your clone was in flower and then revegged, it will turn out not one cola but a monstrosity of a plant with many many colas.

I know it works if you take your clones from a mother already about 3 weeks into flowering. This really is the best time to take clones. Then just reveg them. No big deal. And grow them out!
Good luck to you!

All my best,
The original Sensi Seeds strain? Or a different breeder's version?
I'm not sure TS, this was a while ago just a sec...I see Sensi has them on their website for $26 a seed and they say they are in stock. I don't remember for sure but I think the point I was trying to make is that's not a cheap strain.
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