B.D.'s - Bag Seed - DWC - T8 Lighting - GH Nutes


New Member
First grow in dwc. Two plants from seed. I soaked in water over night and popped them in a rock wool cube. When they popped out I hand fed with them the first week with general hydroponics flora series 1/2 tsp of grow, micro, and bloom per gallon.

Week two I put the net pot in 3.5 gallon buckets with tap water and nutes at 1 tsp of gro, 1/2 tsp of micro, and 1/2 tsp of bloom and ph'd to 5.8 filled buckets to the bottom of pots. I do not have a ppm meter I'm going to get one for the next go around. I hand fed until I seen roots come out of the net pots.

Week three I emtpied the buckets and washed them out.I mixed up 5 gal. of nutes by the aggresive growth formula on the back of the bottle, which is 3 tsp of grow, 2 tsp of micro, and 1 tsp of bloom per gal. I also used spring water this time. I was going to collect rain water but decided to go with spring water because of the minerals. Im not sure if that was the right choice or not.

I topped both plants above the 4th node and trimmed the fan leaves off at the 1st and 2nd nodes. Then decided to cut off the 4th node off on one plant and trimmed all the fan leaves off hoping it would direct all energy to growing new shutes. The plant with the fan leaves has grown twice as much as the one with no fan leaves. And thats where I'm at right now. Just waiting on enough growth so I can take some clones.

Any info, suggestions, and advice welcome.



after topping...this is day 16


It is putting off a real nice citrus smell. First grow so I don't know if the smell changes when it flowers. I hope the buds end up smelling like this.

A fellow hydro grower!!! subbed :tommy:

how long are you going to vegg them?

tap is fine, I am using tap on my current journal. RO is is cost prohibitive. Rain water is an interesting alternative.

what do you do with your res water at the end of every week when you change it?

3.5 gallons should let you vegg up to 4 weeks and then it should be time for 1212

I have no plan. No idea how long I'll veg. I'm just waiting on the lower branches to get long enough to take clones so I can flower the clones and determine sex. Then go from there. Was going to try the manifold method, but I like the way you LST'd yours. I think I'll try that next time.

And it looks like like you're right about the 3.5 gal being good for 4 weeks. I may switch to a 5 gal bucket. I started out with the smaller bucket to save on nutes. And I just dump the res water on my tomato plants outside every week. What do you do with yours?

I'm not real sure about the water I need to read up on that....rain water should have low ppm like RO. I don't know enough about what the ppm means. I was worried about a lack of minerals in rain water. The natural spring water should have plenty of minerals in it and it has a ph of 6.5. When I mix the nutes full strenght it drops the ph to 5.8. I need a ppm meter. I have no clue where I am on ppm. Everything looks ok so far.

Thanks for looking
I have no plan. No idea how long I'll veg. I'm just waiting on the lower branches to get long enough to take clones so I can flower the clones and determine sex. Then go from there. Was going to try the manifold method, but I like the way you LST'd yours. I think I'll try that next time.

And it looks like like you're right about the 3.5 gal being good for 4 weeks. I may switch to a 5 gal bucket. I started out with the smaller bucket to save on nutes. And I just dump the res water on my tomato plants outside every week. What do you do with yours?

I'm not real sure about the water I need to read up on that....rain water should have low ppm like RO. I don't know enough about what the ppm means. I was worried about a lack of minerals in rain water. The natural spring water should have plenty of minerals in it and it has a ph of 6.5. When I mix the nutes full strenght it drops the ph to 5.8. I need a ppm meter. I have no clue where I am on ppm. Everything looks ok so far.

Thanks for looking

My take on ppm are this.

I had a hydro grow on 420 before this, it was pitiful because I didn't have a pH meter. Then I learned. :reading420magazine:

This time around I am blasting off with success as my copilot, but without a tds/ec meter. As long as you don't do any carb feeding, bud boosters, too much ph up/down, etc, your ppm should be fine anyway. I am using tap and have dosed my tank heavy with a whole bunch of goodies like my own home made cal mag and lots of ph down and some GH 3 part that seems to be bootleg copy, I never get burnt tips.
I let my res go for 2 weeks, because I think the stuff is expensive to just throw away after just 1. I don't have a place to put it except for the toilet :sorry:

Just listen to your plant, if she shows any tip burning which is subtle in the beginning, you'll know your ppm is too high.

Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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