Autos outdoors

Few photos



Welcome to 420 Magazine @Uncle420 l

Nice looking lady you have there.
Here's some helpful info.

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Here is some information if you would like to start a a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link. This is where you place your journal.

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And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Have I made this in the wrong place?
How can I delete this cheers

You don't need to delete it (and in fact, can't delete it). This post is exactly where it should be. You introduced yourself to the community and members like @Tokin Roll are just providing links to you that you may find helpful.

And, hey, :welcome: from me, too.
Few photos



Beautiful lady. :yahoo: great work on her.
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:
If you need help with anything let me know.
Hope your having a great day:ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Will thats me giving up. Few spots of bud rott 9n the lower buds. On a few plants. I have no way of getting round this. With no electricity. Plants have to much jew on them and not drying out fast enough sadly
Welcome to the community! Is there anyway you can create a wind tunnel/trap and get your plants angled for better sun light? It looks and sounds like an outdoor clandestine grow so you’re gonna have to get creative with brush and whatnot. I’d try to get them so they’re catching the morning and afternoon sun as much as possible and try to clear a path for a breeze through it. My MIL has a similar collapsible greenhouse and she usually has to pull them out of it for flower to get airflow
Hi dude. Unfortunately I noticed it a but late. only going to the spot once a week. I av done all my growing indoors and just wanted to see how things go. This was a trail run. In a way if I get something I d happy if not still be happy. I know now what I have to invest into now for next year. Hopefully you can get weed from the doctor soon here that's exciting but still 650 for 60g every month is alot for the prescription. Hopefully they give the go ahead t9 grow at home.. I ll check lady's later. If the fucked I will cut them down. Still have my orange sherbet fem close to home. I ll have her to fall back on to




Hey peeps. Been back to the spot and it Seams all OK. I cut all the rot off 2 week ago and from what I see. There is no more on any of them. So give them a feed see what happens. Get a photo next time I am up. Al so why is my bud ls growing like this is this normal



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