Autoflowering - Toxicity?


New Member
I have this auto thats been about 5 weeks in flowering.(PHOTO BELOW) The roots started to stick out of the pot despite being a 3gal, which i assumed was big enough for an auto. i decided not to transplant as budding had already began. Everything seemed fine, for the last two weeks, its about 70cm now, this week it seems like its suddenly stopped any growth. This morning i wake up to find the top leaves curling and clawing down, They feel a bit rough and crispy to the the touch. and not any changes in any other leaves and flowers last 2 or 3 days/ i hav'nt fed it any nutes for a while. Could be a nitogen issue nontheless?? I also strongly doubt any under or over watering issues. The only change i presume occured was an increase of overall tempareture of the grow area. Even that Not by much. Any help on whats happening, i dont think she can afford to lose any time flowering. Also please advice if the buds seem behind schedule. start of 5th week now. kinda slow i FEAR.
It looks like she still has quite a bit of time left what lighting are you using the plant looks healthy also you shouldn't be giving it much nitrogen at all during this phase you may want to stake it too
It looks like she still has quite a bit of time left what lighting are you using the plant looks healthy also you shouldn't be giving it much nitrogen at all during this phase you may want to stake it too
Hey, thanks for replying, at the moment in not feeding her anything at all. I'm using 120w cfl. Thats all I can get my hands on. It's a small town here. Iwill stake her later on when she leans I guess. Also as I said the roots are stickin out the bottom and the drooping and slow growth have been occurring for days. Should I go ahead and transplant her? I know autos don't like the moving stress but I feel like that's my last option. NotHing else seems to work.lemme know how u feel about it.
ThaNks again.
I wouldn't risk transplanting at this stage just try to keep the lights as close as possible and ride it out that looks like a really tall plant for such little lighting
I wouldn't risk transplanting at this stage just try to keep the lights as close as possible and ride it out that looks like a really tall plant for such little lighting
I dot know. I thought it may be enough. I may add another 60w or so. What if the problem persists? I've already flushed it. And the lower leaves are yellowing and falling off. IvE had a few grows before not a single problem along the road. Bit suddenly this one the one I need the most. I encounter all this. Soo perfect.
Give her some flower nutes until a couple of weeks before you cut her down the leaves yellowing is probably due to the light it sucks that life threw this curve at you hopefully we will be able to get you where you want to be
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