
Some do 18 / 6, 20 / 4, or 24 on. I've read where sometimes an Autoflower will not flip itself to flower so some people will then put it on 12/12.
18/6 for the whole grow has always given me the best result. I do top some of my autos but I dont recommend it for new growers. I top them only if I can top them above the 4th node by day 14 of the grow. If they aren't ready by day 14, I dont do it.
Try not as any stress slows down the whole process and you have a fixed time your working against, a small bit just before flower flip maybe but keep minimal . LST is the best for autos to gently get more tops going. Toping to close to flower could just reduce the total bud sites you end up with. I would avoid it to see what you can do without topping first.

I tip at 14 days if it’s growing fine but there some autos that don’t like to b messed with it’s os my c 4 toped a bit early but doin really well goin to b a monster here come flower time
Just let them go...on the first grow..... p.s. it’s been my experience that autos luv cal-mag with each
Watering with or without nutes I some Times double dose, normal dose is 1 tea spoon per gal.
Grow well and prosper my friend
Please dont just double dose any calmag product to ensure you dont have a shortage of it. Too much Calcium blocks out manganese, boron, P, K, zinc, magnesium and iron. Too much Magnesium will block out Calcium and potash (k).
Nutrients have to have a proper balance and ratios or imbalances and lockouts occur.
Its nonsensical to just throw double doses of anything at plants without knowing they need more of something first.
For large, healthy harvests it's a must to keep ratios in proper balance.
While some plants do need a bit more calcium and or magnesium it's always best to feed "standard" and then let the plants tell you if they need something more. Just because a plant is an auto does not automatically mean more calmag.
Don't do it, it takes way longer to finish them. I have done it on my 2 Plants and both are 100 Days + old and not Ready. Do you think it is worth it? I don't think so! LST is great but not Topping.
Lots of things increase the veg time on autos mate. Some autos just take ages too. It's mostly down to root space though.
Done loads of strains and pretty much all of them went 45-56 days before throwing pistils. 110ish days on 19/5.
Got one just now that was on 12/12 for the first 6 weeks and still took 50 days to show sex so flipping to 12/12 absolutely will not flip an auto iether.
I find keeping them stressed helps to prolong it. Just gotta watch not over do it. They can take a pasting though.
Don't do it, it takes way longer to finish them. I have done it on my 2 Plants and both are 100 Days + old and not Ready. Do you think it is worth it? I don't think so! LST is great but not Topping.
I have not had that experience at all. I have done journals on this and I am a big fan of topping autos for experienced growers that do it at the right time. I have topped many many autos and never had one go over 55-70 days.
Please dont just double dose any calmag product to ensure you dont have a shortage of it. Too much Calcium blocks out manganese, boron, P, K, zinc, magnesium and iron. Too much Magnesium will block out Calcium and potash (k).
Nutrients have to have a proper balance and ratios or imbalances and lockouts occur.
Its nonsensical to just throw double doses of anything at plants without knowing they need more of something first.
For large, healthy harvests it's a must to keep ratios in proper balance.
While some plants do need a bit more calcium and or magnesium it's always best to feed "standard" and then let the plants tell you if they need something more. Just because a plant is an auto does not automatically mean more calmag.
Wise words man. :)
I just want to throw in my 2 cents.. So I have grown quite a few autos. 1 auto I topped with LST, 2 I left natural with some LST. The other 2 I quadlined.

Wish I had better pics.. But take advice from everyone here.. If you decide to top or quadline, do it at a young age. No later than 21 days. If not A good LST will reward you as well. Good luck.

Blueberry auto regular. "4oz"

Blueberry auto topped "4.5oz"

Cream Mazar "LST only"
Sorry couldn't find living pic.

White widow auto "Quadlined"

Critical Purple Auto "Quadlined"
I have not had that experience at all. I have done journals on this and I am a big fan of topping autos for experienced growers that do it at the right time. I have topped many many autos and never had one go over 55-70 days.
What the hell you growing that finishes in 55 days mate? Mine are barely started by then lol.
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