Autoflower ready for flush?


420 Member
Hey growers, this is my first time running autos, currently growing are my 2 (AFberry's) and (Harambe Og) from (purple city genetics) All on day 53 day. They currently state that the strains are 60-70 days which is 10 weeks but we all know they can go for a little longer if the signs aren't there. I currently do not have a microscope to check the trichromes. Here is a couple pictures. The last one I believe will be done later than all the others most of the pistils are still long and growing. I will be doing a 14-day flush due to using advanced nutes. Any advice would be appreciated 🤙🏻
I personally don’t flush autos before harvest. Some others will agree, the plant will take what it needs and leave the rest.
Unless it has a problem with salt build up or something, just keep feeding it.
Something that really gets results for me- cut off water completely for a week then harvest.
Yours looks great btw and that’s not a compliment often handed out on your first auto grow.
I personally don’t flush autos before harvest. Some others will agree, the plant will take what it needs and leave the rest.
Unless it has a problem with salt build up or something, just keep feeding it.
Something that really gets results for me- cut off water completely for a week then harvest.
Yours looks great btw and that’s not a compliment often handed out on your first auto grow.
Okay thank you for the tips and the compliment, much appreciated! I thought I had nutrient lockout at one point but everything seemed to be fine, the leaves are starting to yellow that's why I was wondering if it was time to start that part of the cycle? I've read that they start yelling when they get close to harvest? Also what about the 24-72 hr dark cycle before harvest?
Hey growers, this is my first time running autos, currently growing are my 2 (AFberry's) and (Harambe Og) from (purple city genetics) All on day 53 day. They currently state that the strains are 60-70 days which is 10 weeks but we all know they can go for a little longer if the signs aren't there. I currently do not have a microscope to check the trichromes. Here is a couple pictures. The last one I believe will be done later than all the others most of the pistils are still long and growing. I will be doing a 14-day flush due to using advanced nutes. Any advice would be appreciated 🤙🏻
Beautiful garden my friend.
Don't ruin it. :Namaste:
Flush one day only, 3x pot size with plain water.
If your nutrient line suggests.
Then return to regular feed directly after.
Your girls need nutrients for their last month of building for you.
Nice work.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Beautiful garden my friend.
Don't ruin it. :Namaste:
Flush one day only, 3x pot size with plain water.
If your nutrient line suggests.
Then return to regular feed directly after.
Your girls need nutrients for their last month of building for you.
Nice work.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks Bill! Appreciate the input, I use advanced pH perfect which I do not believe they recommend feeding after flush. They are pretty strong. Last feed I did pH perfect a&b bloom, tasty terpenes and bud candy. I know the last 2 weeks is crucial for stacking and building. So I do not want to harvest early. Do not have a grower's loop at the moment but need to invest in one. Is there any other ways to tell signs that they are close to harvest? Thanks again!

From what I can see your plants are in pretty good shape. Except for all the red of course;). Really hard to tell how much yellowing is happening and what the shade of yellow is.

I use advanced pH perfect which I do not believe they recommend feeding after flush.
Advanced Nutrients has several pH Perfect lines of fertilizers. Tell us which one you are using and which of their feeding schedules or calculators you are following. That will help tell if a recommend a feeding after a flushing session. Plus it might attract the attention of some of the other growers who are using the same line of fertilizer as you are.

Turn off the grow lights and use a room light or a table lamp and let the camera use its flash to provide some white or more normal lighting. That will give a better idea of how yellow the leaves are. Plus it will help show if there is some other minor problem starting that can be taken care of.
Thanks Bill! Appreciate the input, I use advanced pH perfect which I do not believe they recommend feeding after flush. They are pretty strong. Last feed I did pH perfect a&b bloom, tasty terpenes and bud candy. I know the last 2 weeks is crucial for stacking and building. So I do not want to harvest early. Do not have a grower's loop at the moment but need to invest in one. Is there any other ways to tell signs that they are close to harvest? Thanks again!

When flowering is finished all her white pistils will crinkle in and turn red.
That's when I start checking trics.
As that is happening she will slowdown and stop eating.
So she will take longer and longer to drain her pot, another sign she is finished swelling and building for you.
Easy way to tell when flowering is done. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
The nutrient line I'm running from advanced:
Sensi Grow a+b - not currently using
sensi bloom a+b - 3 ml per L
Cal mag xtra- 2 ml per L every 2 feedings
Tasty terpenes- 2 ml per L
Bud candy-2 ml per L
Big bud- 2ml L

I know big bud and tasty terpenes have certain schedules to feed during certain weeks of flowering but based on an 8-week flowering schedule.

Big bud- weeks 2 through 4 weeks
Tasty terpenes- 3 through 6 weeks

Again that's based on an 8-week flowering so (I've just been feeding that schedule I posted above) every other watering. Seems to be working out well. My only problem is I'm not using any nutrients specifically designed to help the roots which was my one mistake but they seem good and have a great smell.
I was able to capture some better photos so you can see what is properly happening.






The nutrient line I'm running from advanced:
Sensi Grow a+b - not currently using
sensi bloom a+b - 3 ml per L
Cal mag xtra- 2 ml per L every 2 feedings
Tasty terpenes- 2 ml per L
Bud candy-2 ml per L
Big bud- 2ml L

I know big bud and tasty terpenes have certain schedules to feed during certain weeks of flowering but based on an 8-week flowering schedule.

Big bud- weeks 2 through 4 weeks
Tasty terpenes- 3 through 6 weeks

Again that's based on an 8-week flowering so (I've just been feeding that schedule I posted above) every other watering. Seems to be working out well. My only problem is I'm not using any nutrients specifically designed to help the roots which was my one mistake but they seem good and have a great smell.
I was able to capture some better photos so you can see what is properly happening.






Outstanding :adore:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I think almost about that time for flush? 😎



Unless your nutrient line calls for a 1 day flush I'd keep feeding her till the end. :Namaste:
Beautiful garden my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
@Bill284 here is another picture, I am starting flush. Is it best to let soil dry out at harvest? Or leave a bit damp depending on temperature and humidity conditions? Btw Happy 4th of July 🎇🎆

Soil conditions during harvest aren't a concern.
Lots of people turn the lights off before.
I usually feed right until harvest or I turn the lights out.
Maby I didn't understand the question :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
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