Aurora & Blackjack - 300W LED - Promix HP - Questions


New Member
Hi folks,
First grow. I have a couple of situations I need some advice on. Here is my setup.
Growing Blackjack and Aurora Indica- both predominantly indica.
2X4X5 grow tent
300W LED grow light 18 inches above plants
Currently in 5 gal Smart pots with straight Promix HP
Using Botanicaire Grow, Bloom(later) and Cal-Mag

So here we are, 30 days after sprouting. My girls look good but they are only 3 inches tall. I topped them on day 28 on the 5th node.

Here is Blackjack

And this is Aurora

Again, this is my first grow, so is it normal to have two plants with 5 nodes and only 3 inches tall after 30 days of veg? I water every 5 days now. Every other time I mix in about 5 ml of Grow and 2 ml of Cal-Mag.
And this brings me to my other question. Both plants have roots growing through the 5 gal Smart pots all over.

I have 2 10 gal Smart pots waiting for them. I am planning on attempting a scrog.Should I up-pot now? The plants seem too small to be in such a big container.
I am looking forward to all your advice. I'm sure I'm going to need all I can get!!
Thanks, Pete
Welcome Pete, glad you've decided to share the adventure with us. The community here is great, lots of helpful members and a wealth of information at your fingertips.

My question is, had you up potted previously. ie- solo cups? Other than that, I don't see a thing wrong in your setup, good exhaust and intake. How's your Humidity, low Humidity will slow growth as will high and low temps. Are the lights on 24/7. Hard to pin point a reason for slow growth, but it happens. They look healthy to me, so I say your doing fine. As for upotting again, I'd wait for the root ball to form a nice mass before doing it.

Good luck and...

KiG :green_heart:cheers
Thank you for responding Snid. To answwer your questions, yes I started them in solo cups and uppotted them after 2 weeks when I saw roots growing out the drain holes. My humidity levels vary from 55-68 RH, and temps from 75-85 degrees. Im doing 18-6 on the lights. Im also ph-ing everything to 6. But if its just one of those things then I guess Ill stop looking for problems. And thanks for the root advice, I'll wait.
Hi there,
Well, it's been 10 days since my last post. there hasn;t been much goin on,,,these two girls a taking their time. I have done some topping and a little lst.


I could use a little help with an issue I have. I noticed brown tips on Aurora, which slowly affected more and more leaves and now the edges.


I did a lot of research but I couldn't find anything that jumped out at me. Considering that they have only been fed 3 times and at half the recommended dosage each time, it didnt seem like a nute overload, but just in case I flushed them both, and lightly fed them again at half dose. i tested the PH coming out of the bottom of the pot and it was around 6.5. then i started foliar spraying them with calmag at 1 quarter tsp/gallon once a day. The next feeding was just water 3 days ago, and the next one is 2 days from now. Should I go back to a feed (1 quarter tsp calmag, 1 tsp Grow)? Or just use ph correct H2o?
I had hoped to be in flower by now, but since the girls are growing so slow, Im shooting for flipping at 60 days veg. I would love to have this brown edge thing dealt with by then. Any and all suggestions accepted.
Thanks, Pete
Hi Pete. It looks like you're feeding about every 5 days, but how often are you watering? They look a little droopy like they've been overwatered. This can lead to some nutrient issues and slow growth. Where on the plant are the leaves with the brown edges? New top leaves, bottom older leaves or in the middle?

Edit: Reading back it looks like you're watering (sometimes with feed?) every 5 days? How dry are the pots then? If you put your hand underneath is it dry or still wet?
Hi Fuzz,
Thanks for helping. Yes, I alternate water and water and food every 5 days. I picked up the pots and they are dry on the bottom and don't weigh much. combine that with Smart pots and Promix HP, and I'm fairly sure that they aren't being overwatered. Water goin in and water coming out all ph at between 6-7.
Considering they have only been been fed 3x except the foliar spray, it seems unlikely they are being overfed. That leaves a nute deficiency you think? But which one?
I took another look at the brown edges and the brown edges do not occur at all on the Blackjack, and on the Aurora the are on upper, middle, and lower nodes of the plant from between 2 oclock and 5 oclock.
So I am planning on water and feed (1quarter tsp calmag/1 tsp Grow per gallon) tomorrow unless you feel strongly against that.
Thanks, Pete
Hi Fuzz,
Thanks for helping. Yes, I alternate water and water and food every 5 days. I picked up the pots and they are dry on the bottom and don't weigh much. combine that with Smart pots and Promix HP, and I'm fairly sure that they aren't being overwatered. Water goin in and water coming out all ph at between 6-7.
Considering they have only been been fed 3x except the foliar spray, it seems unlikely they are being overfed. That leaves a nute deficiency you think? But which one?
I took another look at the brown edges and the brown edges do not occur at all on the Blackjack, and on the Aurora the are on upper, middle, and lower nodes of the plant from between 2 oclock and 5 oclock.
So I am planning on water and feed (1quarter tsp calmag/1 tsp Grow per gallon) tomorrow unless you feel strongly against that.
Thanks, Pete

I'd be inclined to think maybe a potassium deficiency then. Definitely go ahead and increase your NPK feed amount, at least for that plant.

Edit: Looking back at the pictures, they do look a little light green overall. :morenutes: Stuff 'em full!
Hope all is well in your world.

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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