Army Lynch Mob Meeting at Officer Club Bar: Oregonian Exposes Medical Torture

When I see a spade, I call it a spade. Finally the Oregonian prints a story by Julie Sullivan telling it right. They have done this very rarely in the past ten years. Their headline Thursday, June 10, 2010, hits the nail right on the thumb, Oregon Guard Soldier's Use of Medical Marijuana Runs Into Army's Drug Abuse Policy. This is about the first cogent article about the real benefits of marijuana since 1999.

This article indicates a total arrogant, ignorant disgrace by Army Officers and especially Army Doctors who apparently don't know their butts from third base.

Specialist Richelle Golden has been in the Oregon Army National Guard for nine years and apparently done a good job of it. In October, 2008, she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in an extreme serious form. She was treated with nauseating chemotherapy at Oregon Health Science University (OHSU) and was totally disabled from the disease AND the treatment. It is certain she was given a variety of medications for the disease and totally adverse side effects from chemo. No standard medications worked but she tried Medical Marijuana AND IT WORKED!! She was told by Retired Colonel Ray Meyer that she could use marijuana and got and Oregon permit. Medical Marijuana is legal in Oregon (and Washington).

She was ordered to Madigan Army Medical Center where she arrived in a wheelchair and was promptly treated as a criminal drug user for using medicine which really works.

The Warrior Transition Battalion of 432 soldiers to which she was assigned contained mostly alcoholics and other illegal drug users. Although she was not using marijuana when she checked in, urinalysis showed positive for weeks. IT ALWAYS DOES!!

Although she was truthful to the (impartial??) Inquisition Medical Board, they still treated her with total disdain for her medical problems and treated her punitively as a drug addict criminal.

Colonel Jerry Penner, Commader of Madigan, says she is getting "OPTIMUM Coordinated Medical Care" and will remain (in isolated cell custody).

It is most probably that nobody at Madigan ever treated a patient with severe Rheumatoid Arthritis. The standard chemo drugs are extremely toxic and cause severe disabling nausea and vomiting and the disease causes unbearable pain. For both of these, Medical Marijuana works Best!!

Captain Steve Bomar of the Oregon Guard is totally wrong in his statement that they, at Madigan, "are doing the best they can". This is scarcely believable pillow talk at its worst. Richelle Goldman belongs in a REAL HOSPITAL where doctors know how to correctly treat severe Rheumatoid Arthritis. If she is kept there her chances of real recovery are slight at best and Madigans treatment could kill her or seriously disable her.

Alcohol and illegal drugs including marijuana are widely used in the battle soldiers caused by PTSD. The officers get as much alcohol as they want. Battle soldiers in the war zone are getting all kinds of mind altering drugs and they are even getting locally made moonshine. They are smoking marijuana also.

Richelle Golden needs intelligent, non-punitive help NOW before she is totally destroyed.

Julie Sullivan of The Oregonian wrote a very fine article in this case.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Author: Dr. Phil Leveque
Copyright: 2010
Website: Army Lynch Mob Meeting at Officer Club Bar: Oregonian Exposes Medical Torture

* Thanks to MedicalNeed for submitting this article
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