Armed Marijuana Clinic Employee Gets Pot Back - w/Poll

Hero or ?

  • Foolish - Marijuana isn't worth killing for or being killed for.

    Votes: 14 53.8%
  • Hero - He rescued the Cannabis

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Other -

    Votes: 4 15.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
A man who tried to rob a medical marijuana clinic at gunpoint and then exchanged gunfire with an employee who chased after him remained at large Wednesday, police said.

The attempted robbery and shooting occurred about 10:45 a.m. Thursday at the Safe Life Caregiver Store in the 3000 block of West Olympic Boulevard, the Los Angeles Police Department reported.

The subject rang the front doorbell, and when the attendant let him enter, he pulled a handgun and ran from the clinic with "a trash bag full of marijuana," police said.

The clinic attendant, who was armed with a handgun, chased after him and the pair exchanged shots, but neither man was hurt, police said. The subject dropped the bag of marijuana and escaped.

Anyone with more information about the crime can call detectives Luis Corona or Sergio Martinez at 213-382-9460.

News Hawk: User: 420 Magazine
Source: NBC
Copyright: 2009 NBC Universal, Inc
Contact: Los Angeles - About Us | NBC Los Angeles
Website: Armed Marijuana Clinic Employee Gets Pot Back | NBC Los Angeles
Other, mad props for bravery, but I'm against the action because we don't need to be giving ammunition to the prohibitionists

"you don't want a clinic in your neighborhood, it'll be like the wild west with shootouts on the streetcorner"

Of course we all know the truth is that if it wasn't for prohibition the profit motive (and the crime) wouldn't exist at this level
Sounds like they should have done a better job of securing the MJ. Not against killing anyone that pulls a gun on you but I think this could probably be dealt with in a better way.
Of course they'll try to use this an excuse of why legalizing MJ is bad, but its not about the MJ, its about a criminal. It could have just as well been a liquor store.
... It could have just as well been a liquor store.

Precisely. But I agree with Soniq that the anti's won't look at it in this light.

Not against killing anyone that pulls a gun on you but I think this could probably be dealt with in a better way.

The minute he presents a weapon capable of inflicting serious injury or death, he is a threat. Deal with that threat accordingly... and by that I do not mean talking him out of it peacefully.
The minute he presents a weapon capable of inflicting serious injury or death, he is a threat. Deal with that threat accordingly... and by that I do not mean talking him out of it peacefully.

Agreed; and Roorman's avatar speaks for itself!
So much irony involved in this. Safe Life Caregiver Store...clerk with a shotgun...armed robbery for medicine anyone with a cubic foot of dirt and some water could grow for themselves...

I think a movie about Hunter S. Thompson with a 357 magnum hanging from his belt as a Caregiver and Cooperative proprietor ("Gonzo's Ganja") would help lighten the mood a little.
I have grown up with firearms of all sorts. We don't look at hunting around here as a hobby but as part of the process of feeding our families. My state is an open-carry friendly one, and although it seems that every year less and less people do, I can honestly say that I have never heard of anyone here being mugged who did so. And if you break into my home you will not be walking out. If I feel that I can wound you without putting my safety or that of my loved-ones at risk then you will probably still have a pulse when they carry you out on a stretcher, for I value human life. But if this is not the case, well, when I dial 911 I'll tell them that there's no need for the ambulance to hurry at that point. Have no problems with protecting one's livelihood. But if this running gunfire took place on a street with other people, that's bad.

What happened to people being proficient with their weapons (whatever weapon that happens to be)? The John Wayne stuff (usually) only works in the movies, why didn't the clerk just STOP moving and put one in the ten-ring if they felt that strongly about it, or stop and shoot the guy a in the leg? A running shooter firing at a running target is a no-no.

Voting the first choice because the clerk obviously didn't know what he was doing in that situation and should be sent to the gun range for LOTS of practice.

Just having the gun is not the end of the solution lmao. Neither is being willing to use one but not being willing to spend the time (and it is not something done in an afternoon, a week, a month...) to gain proficiency and to know when and where it should not be used.

I also agree that it might be a good idea to have such stores set up so that the customer is in a lobby area and the employees and merchandise is in another if it is located in a high-crime area. OTOH, I have never been one to let criminals of any type decide things for me.
... If I feel that I can wound you without putting my safety or that of my loved-ones at risk then you will probably still have a pulse when they carry you out on a stretcher, for I value human life...

Hits to COM or the head and nothing more. Penetration of vital organs (heart, brain, CNS) stops fights, an opponent that is simply wounded is still combat effective. Neutralize the threat quickly and effectively and that means shooting to kill.

Those that prey on the lives of innocent people will get exactly what they deserve, and I for one have no remorse for doing what is necessary to defend my life and the lives of those around me.

why didn't the clerk just STOP moving and put one in the ten-ring if they felt that strongly about it, or stop and shoot the guy a in the leg? A running shooter firing at a running target is a no-no.

Lateral movement saves lives. As a stationary target you are much more likely to be hit. Know the difference between cover and concealment and know where to find it. Standing still shooting a piece of paper at the range is an inadequate analog for the real thing. Remember, your brain is your primary weapon.

Otherwise, good post. :peace:
Hits to COM or the head and nothing more. Penetration of vital organs (heart, brain, CNS) stops fights, an opponent that is simply wounded is still combat effective. Neutralize the threat quickly and effectively and that means shooting to kill.

Those that prey on the lives of innocent people will get exactly what they deserve, and I for one have no remorse for doing what is necessary to defend my life and the lives of those around me.

Very true. Pop once said never point a gun at someone unless you are trying to kill them. And in most home-defense situations there isn't time to stop and cherry-pick.

Lateral movement saves lives. As a stationary target you are much more likely to be hit. Know the difference between cover and concealment and know where to find it. Standing still shooting a piece of paper at the range is an inadequate analog for the real thing. Remember, your brain is your primary weapon.

Otherwise, good post. :peace:

Again, true. I still might well have stopped to fire had it been me, but it would depend on circumstances and I'd have had to have been there. Would have depended a lot on conditions, cover, etc. I just got the feeling from reading the post that the employee was running straight at the robber and I wondered what would have happened had the crook suddenly stopped, spun, and fired off a couple of aimed shots. Who knows? I might have dove for the pavement behind a parked car, crunched my shoulder again, and been mostly helpless (I'm a pretty "lame" shot with my off-hand).

Also true about the piece of paper hanging at the range having no connection to the realities of an armed-response situation. The paper doesn't shoot back!
That's what security cameras are for. They take a picture of the thief and let the law enforcement community figure it all out. I don't ever recommend exchanging gunfire unless it's an act of self defense. To easy to get yourself killed or permanently injured.
That's what security cameras are for. They take a picture of the thief and let the law enforcement community figure it all out. I don't ever recommend exchanging gunfire unless it's an act of self defense. To easy to get yourself killed or permanently injured.

For the most part I can agree, protecting personal property does not always warrant the use of deadly force. Material goods are just that, they can be replaced. Your life cannot.

However, when faced with an attacker armed with a deadly weapon, he is then an immediate threat to life itself. There is a fine line between protecting property and protecting your life and the lives of those around you. All you know is that he is armed, you do not know what his intentions are at all. He could just take the goods and leave, or he could decide he doesn't want to leave any witnesses to his criminal act alive. He could also be mentally unstable and/or just likes hurting people. You simply do not know.

You also must keep in mind that he is the aggressor and has no right to threaten your life. You were simply minding your own business pursuing life, liberty and happiness until some thug decided to shove a gun in your face and put your life and the lives of those around you in jepordy. As such, you have the right to act in self-defense.

It has been statistically proven that those who resist an attack through the use of force (particularily defense with a firearm) are more likely to survive a violent encounter then those that simply submit. Remember, criminals prefer unarmed victims. :peace:
i feel that once the scumsucker left the store there was no reason to follow him

Very true. In this particular instance the conflict was over once he fled.
i feel that once the scumsucker left the store there was no reason to follow him

I agree; I think when he was in the store, he was fair game, but once he left the building, he becomes the police target.
To bad the caregiver missed. One person said it's like a liquor store robbery. I agree. That would have been another usless p.o.s. Not on this planet. You want to know how i really feel. L.O.L
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