Are We Designed To Smoke Weed?

Welcome to :420: Nicky. Great video. Thanks. Easier to watch a movie than read a book. Thanks for being active. Reps for you...

I'll critique this.

The information based on the title and length of video is poorly presented. You spend half the time discussing botany and not addressing your topic at all. It is all presented very secondhand in nature, not as researched and verified fact. Your choice of graphics doesn't lend itself to credibility either.

It's very easy for people to swallow and regurtitate dis-information. If something is important, and I think most will agree that pulling the curtain back on the outright lies that have been fed to the world for the last 78 years about cannabis is important, then that subject should not be addressed lightly in serious conversation. And, if one is going to try and have intelligent conversation with zombies that regurgitate propaganda, the only real effective ammunition is FACT.

The importance of the issue does not mean it is ok to use everything They have used to keep cannabis 'ebil'. Then you're no better than they are. Unfounded activism is just as detrimental as engineered propaganda.

This video might be fun to watch stoned, but doesn't have any real meat to it. Really. It's now documented that cannabis has HUNDREDS of uses for treating more conditions than any other known drug, and it treats effectively.

A video with joint tokin fish asking a stoner logic question that is easily answered by anyone with a higher education should not be touted as adding anything worthwhile to the epic task of getting people who have grown up with propaganda to rethink their position.

It does more harm than good, because it just perpetuates the whole stupid stoner idea.

Sorry man, keep at it. This one should stay in the editing room.
Thank you Mtn. And thank you Faic for that seriously constructive criticism.

The point of this video is to counter the people who argue for smoking weed by pointing to the fact that we have thc receptors in our bodys. I have changed the title to better reflect that.

You see it as a cheap entertainment video. It is, I'm ok with that. Im not looking to win the masses.

Again thank you for the effort you put into your post.
That's cool I can understand that. And I never mean anything personal, but I do understand the need for objective criticism. I do design work and the worst thing I hear when I ask what someone thinks is "It's ok".

However. When you phrase it like that, "This is to counter the people who argue for smoking weed by pointing to the fact we have thc receptors in our bodies", that actually is a valid argument.

You could simply say something like, "Are we designed to smoke weed?" "Nature doesn't work that way, but we happen to be hard wired to benefit from cannabis more than any other known drug..." and go from there. And the rest of the 115seconds is backing that up with facts however you want to couch them.

If you really want to advocate, make sure you're saying something effective and correct. Otherwise, it's playing into their hands. If you're just having fun, don't say you're an advocate, it looses credibility ne. And this is a fairly important subject (yes that is as understated as I can possibly be).
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