This is a great place and I love all the info I have gained, but I need an opinion or two here please. First time growing so I don't know if I'm expecting too much or not, but I have 11 clones that were cuttings taken approx. May 5. (Not my mother plant....I was told Hindu Kush.) One didn't root and died after a week or so which left me 11. I take them outside for the better part of the day in full sunlight and then bring them in at night under flourescent so they have 24 hours of light. I started putting them outside as early as they could take full sun.....'bout 2 weeks ago. They are still easy to move so I thought would benefit from the extra light at night with the floro's. I have been using Fox Farms Grow Big on them and everybody looks healthy. One of them is the same size as when I first got her. Looks fine but no growth. The rest of the ladies have doubled in height, for the most part, and are about 4"-5" tall now. They were started in rockwool cubes and went into Miracle Grow potting soil 60% and Pearlite 40%. Once I could see roots that made it to the ouside of the cube on 1/2 of the plants i have, I put them all in pots. I am planning on putting all of them outside now for 6 weeks and then bringing 6 of them inside to flower and let the others flower naturally outside. I think that about covers it so my first question is....Are these growing fast enough or are they stunted? I thought they would grow faster. And second, I would be flowering 6 plants inside a room that is 10'x10' with a 9' ceiling. I was planning on using 2-600w HPS lights. Is that going to be enough light for 6 plants? I've read the grow faq's about lighting and it says I would need more for my sq. footage but it sure seems like two 600w lights should do it. I could make the space smaller if it would help concentrate the light. The only thing that is an unknown for me now is the PH. I don't have any way to check that now. I am using water from a reverse osmosis system. I have a lot of regular house plants that just get watered with the house water. I'm in the country and I have a well, and they are all growing very good, and have been for years, so I thought my water is fine but I'm not sure. And finally.....if anybody is still reading my novel here.....would I be better off letting the indoor plants veg till they are a certain height since I do have 9' ceiling or should I just flower them in 6 weeks regarless of how big they are? I sure appreciate the help.
I don't know why but I'm not able to post pictures. Any idea of why not.
I don't know why but I'm not able to post pictures. Any idea of why not.