Are there any states that actually define "mature"?


New Member
For the grow process, I would love to know if CA or any state, has on its books, what their definition of "mature" is and at what point that would be in the growth thru harvest cycle. Trying to keep a continuous system going may be hard if I do not know the true extent of what CA deems their definition to be.

Anybody know how their home states have tackled this issue or is it all par tof the grey area where patients tend to get screwed by LEA and the courts.
For the grow process, I would love to know if CA or any state, has on its books, what their definition of "mature" is and at what point that would be in the growth thru harvest cycle. Trying to keep a continuous system going may be hard if I do not know the true extent of what CA deems their definition to be.

Anybody know how their home states have tackled this issue or is it all par tof the grey area where patients tend to get screwed by LEA and the courts.

I would tend to doubt it. Seems to me that we are the people who would know the answer to this and everyone probably has their own definition. If/when such a term is ever fully-defined in a legal sense, it will have to come from us, plant biologists, or politicians (so maybe it's well-past time for us to put forth our candidate for a definition!).

In a legal sense, I would suggest a window of time. For indoors... I'm old-school and always figured out harvest dates in advance by using the 40:60 formula (from the first day of 12/12, a normal MJ plant will stretch for the first 40% of the total flowering period). Informal experiments gave me the impression that missing that date by just a short time one way or the other was noticeable. For outdoors, or with an AF strain, get the scope out lol.

As a side note I have my own definition lol - about a minute before I cut!

I hear you and that's not "lol" at all; think MJ is like old-fashioned sweet corn in that respect. There isn't exactly a long plateau of optimum quality. When it's time, it's time. Not tommorow or yesterday but today (and EARLY today so that the sun doesn't have time to degrade any trichomes since they won't be replaced tonight).

Although unlike the old-school sweet corn varieties, you don't need to have the water already boiling when you cut;).

Immature = Not yet ready for harvest.
Mature = Me in the act of using the Dremel/Scissors/Machete/Hatchet/Axe.

Just agree on a max limit of plants. People will probably figure out from that number how many they need to alocate for clones (if they don't grow from seed each time or clone through air-layering so the #s wouldn't count until they are actually planted) to keep their setup going perpetually if they intend to do so. And from the amount remaining they can decide what growing-style to use, how long to vegetate, et cetera so as to give them the amount of harvest they want.

Other than that I'd say that the politicians dubious "help" is neither requested nor appreciated and I'm pretty sure that the consensus is, "Thanks, but we can handle it from here!"
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