Are my buds ready?


Well-Known Member

I’m growing 420fastbuds forbidden runtz and I’m at week 10.

Took a close up of my trichomes, I’m not sure if it’s ready: what do you think should I cut them now or wait a bit?: the majority of the plant looks like the image attached.



I’m growing 420fastbuds forbidden runtz and I’m at week 10.

Took a close up of my trichomes, I’m not sure if it’s ready: what do you think should I cut them now or wait a bit?: the majority of the plant looks like the image attached.


Good morning @DrBigP Beautiful buds, nice colors. :thumb:
Welcome to 420magazine my friend.
I see a few white pistols still.
Won't be long though.
Once all the white pistols are gone, let the bulk of your trics go cloudy with a good mix of amber and you will be happy.

Stay safe
ed rosenthal science,, maximum psychoactive properties occur 'before' the trichome even turns cloudy.
cloudy is degradation, psychoactive wise, of the trichome,, and amber is full on degraded,, not into nothing,, into less psychoactive properties
try an early harvest one time,, you will like it,, i promise
so much psuedo science actually, surrounding the properties of cannabis,, but the revolution is on,, now
stay tuned
\btw,, darn fine looking plants friend,,

cut and paste,, indeed
ed rosenthal science,, maximum psychoactive properties occur 'before' the trichome even turns cloudy.
cloudy is degradation, psychoactive wise, of the trichome,, and amber is full on degraded,, not into nothing,, into less psychoactive properties
try an early harvest one time,, you will like it,, i promise
so much psuedo science actually, surrounding the properties of cannabis,, but the revolution is on,, now
stay tuned
\btw,, darn fine looking plants friend,,

cut and paste,, indeed
The only problem I have with Dr. Rosenthal is that his article makes claims, but he doesn’t tell you how he arrived at them. Did he collect and analyze clear, cloudy, and amber trichromes and measure the amounts of each type of thc? If so, by weight or volume? What was his methodology? He could be correct, we learn something new every day, but Without reading a peer review ewes study I’m not ready to climb on the bandwagon.
ed rosenthal science,, maximum psychoactive properties occur 'before' the trichome even turns cloudy.
cloudy is degradation, psychoactive wise, of the trichome,, and amber is full on degraded,, not into nothing,, into less psychoactive properties
try an early harvest one time,, you will like it,, i promise
so much psuedo science actually, surrounding the properties of cannabis,, but the revolution is on,, now
stay tuned
\btw,, darn fine looking plants friend,,

cut and paste,, indeed
Hey, so you recommend I cut them now, I looked through my scope yesterday and I could find one ☝️ amber trichome here and there, just a few, and maybe for every 10 there are 1 or 2 clear 3 cloudy and the rest are milky. I’m gonna cut them today. These look ripe, however I’m not with you 100% about harvesting early. Imagine you harvest a fig early or a water melon early or anything early I want to bite into my fruit and be like hmmmm that’s juicy and ripe and just right! You know what I mean?
Hey, so you recommend I cut them now, I looked through my scope yesterday and I could find one ☝️ amber trichome here and there, just a few, and maybe for every 10 there are 1 or 2 clear 3 cloudy and the rest are milky. I’m gonna cut them today. These look ripe, however I’m not with you 100% about harvesting early. Imagine you harvest a fig early or a water melon early or anything early I want to bite into my fruit and be like hmmmm that’s juicy and ripe and just right! You know what I mean?
Good morning my friend.
Beautiful Bud.
If all the white pistols are gone, turned red and crinkled in.
Then your watermelon is ripe. ;)
Red pistols indicate she is finished flowering and building for you.
Then check tric's.
Clear and cloudy energetic feeling.
Cloudy and amber relaxed feeling.

Stay safe
ed rosenthal science,, maximum psychoactive properties occur 'before' the trichome even turns cloudy.
cloudy is degradation, psychoactive wise, of the trichome,, and amber is full on degraded,, not into nothing,, into less psychoactive properties
try an early harvest one time,, you will like it,, i promise
so much psuedo science actually, surrounding the properties of cannabis,, but the revolution is on,, now
stay tuned
\btw,, darn fine looking plants friend,,

cut and paste,, indeed
Not heard that before. Thanks , well worth a look and research. Makes sense if freshness creates the high or the actual timed chemical changes as the buds "ripen" or cure. Does not account for the Malawi cobs gaining major potency if done correctly and the fermentation of the cannabinoids that make the magic happen ?. Love the differences that 420 community throws up for us to look more at. Milk was one for me. Learning about that stuff and plants was a welcome lesson and so interesting too.
Good morning my friend.
Beautiful Bud.
If all the white pistols are gone, turned red and crinkled in.
Then your watermelon is ripe. ;)
Red pistols indicate she is finished flowering and building for you.
Then check tric's.
Clear and cloudy energetic feeling.
Cloudy and amber relaxed feeling.

Stay safe
I took a closer look today, the pists are still pointing orange, the trics are mostly cloudy 1 clear for every 10 or so, and 1 amber here and there hard to spot the amber ones, I’m going to hold back for a week more…
I’m going to hold back for a week more…
That seems quite accurate. If you are not using any flushing agent, now would be the time to read up on flushing ;)
That seems quite accurate. If you are not using any flushing agent, now would be the time to read up on flushing ;)
Not necessary. Why deprive the plant of nutrients in the final push. Studies have shown there's almost no difference in the make-up of plants, between flushed and unflushed (slightly less iron). In blind taste tests the unflushed buds were prefered. For all intents and purposes once the plant takes it in and incorpates it into the plant tissues it's not going anywhere. Flushing to correct nute lock-out is a completely different thing, and works well.
skipping the flush seems to be the general consensus amongst growers these days,, tho i will not attest to the accuracy of 'studies',,

however,, seems to me that skipping the nutes on the last feeding is at least a small money saver and i would bet the affects would be minimal to zero at best
Not necessary. Why deprive the plant of nutrients in the final push. Studies have shown there's almost no difference in the make-up of plants, between flushed and unflushed (slightly less iron). In blind taste tests the unflushed buds were prefered. For all intents and purposes once the plant takes it in and incorpates it into the plant tissues it's not going anywhere. Flushing to correct nute lock-out is a completely different thing, and works well.
I’ll have to agree, plus I’m using Biobizz organic nutrients with Kelp and Epsom salt and organic calcium. For its final push I figured I’ll just top up with water every 3 days when the top layer gets dry.
Maybe I should add a bit of context to flush: I dont mean put the plant in water for a week, I mean reset mineral balance and starve for at most 2 days, to make it use some of those stored nutrients. (DWC). In soil I wouldnt know how it works, as all my soil grows sucked anyway, so no amount of flushing would have improved anything over there. It takes more water and more time I've read.

By your last line, you completely invalidated what came before that. If flushing helps with excess nutrients, to make the plant used the excess stored ones, it works the same way at end of harvest. This will also trigger defence in some plants. In Cannabis thats trichomes.

I previously didnt flush, as it made no sense to me, but I got an offer on a bottle of FlashClean so I tried it. Its now on my must-have-spare list. My smoke is less harsh on the throat and there is way less coughing involved. The taste of the hash improved, the taste of the concentrates improved.

I expect there to be a relation between nutrients used and effect observed from flushing. I dont think it makes a lot of sense for people that grow in living soil, but I would expect everyone growing chelated would benefit from it.
Maybe I should add a bit of context to flush: I dont mean put the plant in water for a week, I mean reset mineral balance and starve for at most 2 days, to make it use some of those stored nutrients. (DWC). In soil I wouldnt know how it works, as all my soil grows sucked anyway, so no amount of flushing would have improved anything over there. It takes more water and more time I've read.

By your last line, you completely invalidated what came before that. If flushing helps with excess nutrients, to make the plant used the excess stored ones, it works the same way at end of harvest. This will also trigger defence in some plants. In Cannabis thats trichomes.

I previously didnt flush, as it made no sense to me, but I got an offer on a bottle of FlashClean so I tried it. Its now on my must-have-spare list. My smoke is less harsh on the throat and there is way less coughing involved. The taste of the hash improved, the taste of the concentrates improved.

I expect there to be a relation between nutrients used and effect observed from flushing. I dont think it makes a lot of sense for people that grow in living soil, but I would expect everyone growing chelated would benefit from it.
I’ll give you my full review after she’s ready. If she’s harsh on the throat and gives me the coughs, I’ll definitely try flushing with the next girl. As for now I’m just gonna supplement her with 6.10 Ph water whenever she’s thirsty. I’ll let you know in about 2 months from today. Oh in addition: with DWC - definitely you’ll need to flush, these organic nutrients are not very good with DWC they smell and you’ll need to replenish the water often.
I don't wait for amber trichs - I want a head high, a buzz; so clear/milky
I'm already lazy enough to sit around on the couch all day lol
however,, seems to me that skipping the nutes on the last feeding is at least a small money saver and i would bet the affects would be minimal to zero at best
I figure that the watering and the water with nutrient schedule should be kept up to the end. I am growing in a soil mix and the nutrients at the end might not make it to the roots of the plant but it is not wasted.

The nutrients are in the soil and that soil gets dumped into the big huge tub where it is mixed in with all the other soil. Eventually the soil gets used for another plant and the nutrients and the micro-organisms are now there & ready to do what must be done.
You're darn close, at this point it's pretty much up to you. The pistils are brown and most of the trichromes are cloudy, not much amber. As it is, it would be a more energetic high, wait for more amber and you'll get more couch lock. Personal preference at this point. BTW, the buds look great! Enjoy!! Me personally, I’d let them go another week.
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