Are Fem seeds better / more stabile today?


Well-Known Member
Was wondering...if Fem seeds are any better today than yesteryear (2016). The last time purchased. Was wondering if Fem seeds have become more stabile. Some of the Fem seeds purchased in the yesteryear (All from Amsterdam or Spain) had odd issues. For example I' a Kush plant that no matter what spit out nanners on the 5th or 6th node. Clip em off - never see another. Different plants had nanners from the get-go. Other strains had some fine others- nanners just pop out of nowhere. Don't get me wrong most the Fem seeds have been fine (95%) just hate those nanner spitters! Haven't had this happen in many years since only 1 stabile strain has been run. So wondering if its still a bit of hit or miss with Fem seeds since I'm considering getting some new blood.
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