Apple Tree Drops Fruit


Well-Known Member
8 years ago we bought a house that had one apple tree and on it there was one apple, it was a nice apple and tasted great....

Since then I have had no luck with it holding apples to harvest.

I have tried the fruit tree spikes, didnt work, tried a 5/5/5 fertilizer, tried an organic (forget the ratios), tried using my excess from my other 'crop' feed, and have tried just water....

I have no idea, it's August and every apple has fallen from the tree.

I have thinned the apples because it will produce a large amount at first so I take off any that dont look right when I see them, I will also give it a little shake so any that arent quite strong enough drop to give the rest more from the tree.

I know the squirells help but I should at least have a couple, we had some rain the other day and they all came down, not one apple....

Should I just give up on it or what?
i wouldn't give up on it. I am not a apple grower but maybe do some research on google or youtube.
I found few videos that explains why
I have looked over every video and explanation I can find, and like Cannabis there is rarely a correct answer so I just try them all.... Trimmed tree this year and apples stayed longer but not to full term... I thought before like a video I watched stated the tree may just not be able to support so much fruit but some should have stayed... Cant do anything now so next season....
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