Appeasement is the Disease; Freedom is the Cure

"Government doesn't work. It doesn't keep our streets safe and it doesn't educate our children. Government is good at only one thing: It breaks your legs, hands you a pair of crutches, and says, 'See, without us you wouldn't be able to walk.'"

– Harry Browne, Libertarian

Recently, I observed that paying taxes on medical marijuana was immoral, unconstitutional and "would provide law enforcement with a new quiver of charges against us."

Some of my activist friends disagreed, arguing that Obama had "changed" federal policy and we were in a new era. The next day a dispensary in San Francisco was raided by federal DEA agents, based upon their alleged failure to pay all of their state taxes.

Some of the best minds in our movement support taxes, admitting it is really protection money, because, in their view, paying bullies to leave you alone is a viable option. Anyone who has ever dealt with a bully, be it in the schoolyard or the criminal justice system, knows that placating and appeasing only increases the threats and bullying.

The appeasers argue that we must be "realistic," and that we must "change the system from within." They say we must give up some of our rights, in order to be safe and to create peaceful change. They urge us from one beg-a-thon to the next, imploring us to write the ruling class and beg for leniency. The even cut deals, behind our backs, trading away our rights for their agenda of "regulation and taxation."

The other day, I had breakfast with the founder and operator of a dispensary that pays $100,000 a month in taxes. She was telling me how Betty Yee of the California Franchise Tax Board was telling the DEA to back off. I asked if the $100 million in taxes being paid annually by licenses dispensaries, on the backs of sick people might not be better spent buying us, I mean electing, a Governor and Attorney General. She had no answer.

Whatever short terms gains appeasers think they might be winning, they betray us all by cooperating with an unconstitutional rogue government.

Appeasement doesn't work, not when you are in a cultural war with real bullets and the biggest Gulag in the world.

Freedom works. Free choice, free markets and free minds, that is what we can place our trust in, everything else is the road to Hell.

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Independent Political Report
Author: Steve Kubby
Contact: Independent Political Report
Copyright: 2009 Independent Political Report
Website:Appeasement is the Disease; Freedom is the Cure
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