Aphids are destroying my plant

Please help

until you can get to store to get chemicals.... spray them with water and some dish washing liquid ( no bleach) leave it a little and then shower it off.
If you have only a few plants... wipe each leaf off and get the aphids off.
Well with the same strain as i used last year and from when I look back at my calender my plants were two weeks into budding already so the 12\12 does apply in most cases but not in this one because of strain and my geographical location I'm getting about 13 and a half hours of light
Thanks for answering my question my plant finally started shooting white hairs out ahh about time i was getting worried because where I live growing season is over around the second week of October she's almost five feet tall now and the biggest plant I've actually grown from seed it should have a nice little harvest if I can avoid deer and rabbit &bugs it's getting pretty cold at night so bugs might not be a big deal after a couple weeks thanks for all your input
Deer repellent:

6 eggs
4 hot peppers or enough to make it very hot
6-12 gloves of garlic, enough to make it stink
5 cups of warm water.
Put it all in a blender and liquefy it. Put it in an old milk jug. Set it out for a couple of days in the sun to let it cook and get really stinky and hot. Strain it good if you want to use it in a sprayer. You can also pour it on and/or around the plants directly from the jug.

You didn't tell us what happened with the aphids...
We'll I've just been keeping them at bay with a pepper soap spray I can see a couple spiders and brier hoppers on it I think that they are feeding on the eggs of the aphids or mites witchever it is because where they are there is no yellow spots mostly on the lower branches and only on newer leaves
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