Anyone know whats wrong with my plant?


New Member
Hi Guys

New hear, new to growing also, hope all is well.

So this is my first plant i ever tried growing, germinated the seed, got some amazing soil and i have been giving in direct sunlight 12 hours a day, basically it gets sun from sunrise until the suns out.

Its been about 9 weeks now, i started watering only when the soil was dry, which was around every 6 days, as the plant grew this became more frequent to where i water it every 3 days now. After a month i started adding the FloraBloom, FloraGro and the 3rd one (can't remember the name). I added these to the water every OTHER watering.

Anyway, around 2 to 3 weeks ago i noticed some of the leaves looked a little off, some had white spots on them and some seemed like they were burning/drying?

I have attached some pictures i took today (week 9), as you can see there seems to be some odd things going on. This isn't all over the plant, its on some of the leaves.

Is it something to worry about? I appreciate any help and advice.

Hey Mate,
Are those damaged leaves throughout the plant or just the lower ones? Do you move the plant much? Looks like some are just damaged, maybe from moving the plant around and pinching or knocking the leaves. Some off the others look like bug marks. Look on the under side of the leaves for any type of bugs. I doubt its nute burn as random markings.
I'm not an expert, but the above may be a good starting point until some of the more experienced members chime in.
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