Anyone know what's up with this little sister?


Active Member
Sorry, I attached photos before typing, and then couldn't figure out how to add text and then somehow posted before completing th text. This little sister was sprouted along with the 2 sisters from the same seed batch with the same mother and same polen contributing female father. It stayed tiny for a few weeks while the big sisters (3rd photo) grew normally. Then it finally grew up all twisted and gnarly. The last photos are from one of the normal sisters. The parent plants were Fat Bastard strain.
Sorry, I attached photos before typing, and then couldn't figure out how to add text and then somehow posted before completing th text. This little sister was sprouted along with the 2 sisters from the same seed batch with the same mother and same polen contributing female father. It stayed tiny for a few weeks while the big sisters (3rd photo) grew normally. Then it finally grew up all twisted and gnarly. The last photo is from one of the normal sisters. The parent plants were Fat Bastard strain.
Looks to me like root rot [Phytophthora]
Dispose of it carefully, ie not on the compost heap

Insect or virus would likely have spread, but this is contained
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