Anyone ever seen a regular seed autoflower?


Well-Known Member
I have just found a plant go fully into bloom under 24 hours of light at week 3.5 from the day I started the seed. It is supposed to be a regular plant. Now if it were and auto my soil is way too hot and I would expect it to flower early but I bought and paid for regular seeds and this is what I found this morning. Granted it is sitting in front of a big fan so it is dried out. But that shouldn't cause a regular to flower like this.


I guess I should collect the pollen and make some autos... LOL At least it is flowering before al the rest so it wont contaminate LOL.
My Pennywise male regular did that to I didn't need to go to 12/12 to flower him but I did anyways. His pollen wasn't very potent either I spread enough of his pollen to get a 1000 seeds and got 8 oh well

I figured out what I did. I was overly aggressive using a growth / bloom agent which causes premature flowering. Cool thing to know...Now I can use that to sex seeds quickly.

Look up Chitosan if you want to try it yourself. I use a worm casting tea to break down crab meal to make mine at home and it works great.

It is very dangerous to use... this done incorrectly can cause hermes in bloom.

If interested here is a read...

VI's - Subcool Based - 2 Worm - Multi-Strain - Mother Hunt - 2016

To be more specific the Chitosan makes the plant think it has an insect infestation and this causes a whole host of growth and hormonal defensive responses that are great for us. In bloom it makes supper sticky thick heavy buds..tons of benefits. There are hours of reading on this you can do on the webs. All the real expensive bloom enhancers have some. Most good bag soils have some in it.

Tons of benefits...Very Dangerous in the wrong hands.

Naw it is a known side effect. Well understood side effect.

The plant is trying to breed now to prevent loss of the next generation. It thinks it is overwhelmed by insects.

Please just look up Chitosan on the internet.

People are using it for all sorts of things. So is the US forest service. It is a very powerful chemical to plants.

It is what Bud factor X is made from.


EDIT: Not true. "Every big name has it in a bottle"...I think only 2 names have it bottled for a stupid price...that's why I had to make my own.
I over did it that whole grow on one plant ridding the line on keeping it female. Each strain is different and some really can't handle it. Be careful.

This plant flowered immediately after the first Chitosan feeding. I think the next day I noticed the balls and maybe a day or 2 later I took that picture. I can't remember that was like 9 months ago.

The other plants all showed immediate responses but did not flower. Others did the big spurt like when transitioning to flower. Some got real thick stalks and leaves. The way they responded was unique in Veg. In bloom they just bust out thick resinous buds. The Resin makes it inhospitable. The thick flowers make it more likely to succeed in breeding. Also makes for thick stalks...and more.

It also heightens the immune system. In other ways. The plant freaks out and goes overboard and usually and especially when done with restraint is cool.
I am saying by the way I have played this game of chess a few times now with chitosan. Both in soil and Hydro. I know what I am talking about. You can back off and it stops the herme in bloom if you pushed it too far.

I have seen it stop and revert immediately in veg. If the insects go away then the plant tries to grow big.

You can go get all mad scientist and do a side by side but I recommend doing it in veg the first time. I would recommend doing it on seed so you can see different responses.

Doing it a day or 2 before you flip the lights causes them to flower the day you flip the lights.

One 12 hour dark period and I can sex all my plants.

I recommend if you want to just try it once then trying it then has the least chance of it causing a problem. You can over dose it then and basically all it does is it pushes through stretch in 48-72 hours and starts blooming. Since the attack is gone in about a week there is no time to hermi. It just gits er dun.

To be clear...

Do the test on multiple seeds same breed. If you do it on clones you will see the difference. You will see the same response in them. The difference will be how evenly you applied the treatment and how evenly the uptake was. A plant may do better. But you will misinterpret the results and think this is how plants respond.

If you use multiple seeds of the same strain you may weed out the weak ones.

I don't know which yet is which. If it flowers fast does that mean it is weak? If I mate a quick flowering male with a easy to clone female of the same strain is that a good result...or is that a weak ass tard? I haven't gotten that far yet. In the middle of a move.

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