Anyone! Can you identify this bug? Looked every where I could think of


420 Member
I usually find this little guy inside the top of the plant where new leaves are starting to grow barely visible. It doesn't seem to be a problem yet!
It seems there only one on the plant when I do find it.Living in Michigan so far the plant seems healthy and I would like to keep it that way.
Any help would be great. Usually I can't even get a picture of this little bug as it is very fast to getaway. Lol


Hello @baire ,
I've had a similar challenge identifying a particular insect as well, until I found these guys. Please click my link and follow the directions. They will personally respond with the info, if they know what kind of insect it is. I have found them to be very helpful.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Hey bud, yea id go ahead and kill them if you see them from now on. This is what I found online about them.


Rule of thumb if unfamiliar then it is an enemy until proven not.

Hope this helps :headbanger:
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