Anybody got any ideas?

The Prof

New Member
I used the 8-6-6 at half dose but it doesnt seem to have had much of a change..2 leaves now have halfway flipped over..and see how on the top one side is developing fine and the other side looks retarted..not sure whats goin on?? any ideas??

Re: Anybody got any ideas??

umm not exactly sure it was 6 solo cups...I knew about the neut burn I flushed a couple days ago and cut off nuets untill I tried the 8-6-6 at half to help with the ph..but it seems to be stayin around the same..what type of new medium like a new type of soil??
Re: Anybody got any ideas??

Well what was the PH of the soil? It might be possible to correct the PH. I'm not a fan of clay pots like yours. They absorb moisture and minerals and release it slowly as it dries up with the soil. This could result in hot spots around the edges of your plants where the feeder roots are.
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