Any ideas what causes this?


Well-Known Member
My big leaves started looking like this a few days ago. Using Miracle Grow soil and a 315watt CMH. I think maybe a Phosferous defencie but not sure, if it is any ideas for a correction.


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miracle kill.

super hard to grow consistently with that stuff. you are not in control of the nutes in that stuff so hard to correct.

are you feeding ? and if so what ? it may be best to do a big flush to get the time release nutes out, then start addressing the deficiencies. it kind of looks like more than one thing to me.

hahaha chris got there first.

hi chris
Feeding with Fox Farm Big Grow, used this once three days ago. Fed two weeks ago with Miricle Grow Feeder don’t remember name but I threw it away.

I’ve heard bad things about the Miricle Grow but it was all that was available in this area, will get something different in Spring. Only fertilizer in the stores now is this Big Grow.

Here is the latest picture from this morning when I bent the plants over.


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I really appreciate your help, new to this and don’t have a very green thumb but I’m working on it.
not doing bad for what you are working with at all. don't get discouraged or down on yourself.

how widespread is the damage ?

if you managed to flush the time release nutes in the soil out, you might be ok just running the fox farm stuff.

i concur with the over nute pe636 is mentioning. that would explain the damage. miracle wants only it's own shit til late in the game., even then it's a roll of the dice.
Yes dark green, and only damage is to the big fan leaves. I gave each plant a gallon of just water today until it drained out the bottom.
fan leaves show trouble quicker than the rest of the plant. they are what i look at for indications of issues. it means you still have a load of headroom time to fix. don't panic.

sounds a bit over fed. which is consistent with what you are using. doesn't mean there is not a deficiency. miracle junk, while having nutes, is no where complete enough for most cannabis grows.

try get hp promix next time. add some perlite or coco. forces you to feed everything as it is a "dead" soil. considered "soilless" which just means it is devoid of any nutrients. fox farm is another super popular soil. it does carry some nute tho.
i like starting guys in hp promix as it forces them to provide the rest and is good for the learning curve.
Awsome thanks so much for the help, I will hold off on feeding for a while. Again thanks for everything
herr Is an update, plant is still growingLost several leaves like this. Very dry at the ends.


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Here is a picture of both plants, just watered them today, have not watered since Friday.
Sorry here is the picture


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Don't panic about losing a few leaves she has plenty to spare. Might take a week or two and she will lighten up somewhat. I see the start of burnt tips on the newer growth in the background of the most recent pic so definitely no food for now. Keep with the normal watering however you do it, you seem to be doing fine in that department.
no mention of ph in the thread so far,, probably because ph is so boring

but important as well

my latest research teaches me that leaves that look like yours can be a combination of things, as most stated

including ph,, your leaves look like mine,, unhappy,,

i have determined low ph to have been my main problem,, with the addition of other problems

i was using a ph in soil of under or right around six,, perhaps drifting a bit lower because of ph meter problems

the low ph is a problem for calcium and magnesium uptake,, which can result in leaf issues exactly like yours.

now add some overfeeding perhaps and the problem is very much compounded

the injured leaves will never recover so one must watch the next undamaged leaves for signs of improvement, or damage secession,, what ever that means,, for damage to stop happening more,, ha

rebound is slow as well, patience needed to not aggravate the issue more

cheers friend,, karma sent
Ph was a problem earlier and that has been solved. Seems like the over feeding is the issue. Thanks for the input it is all very very appreciated.
My ph was so high, over 9 that it did even register on the color grid. Takes 20 drops of Down to get to 6.8
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