Any idea if this needs water or not?


420 Member
This broke soil 3 days ago and almost looks dry/unhealthy compared to another seed that just broke the soil today..
is it paranoia? That I think I need to water? Not even the top inch is dry yet but even tho the soil is a darker colour I really don’t think it’s moist enough.. wish I had someone in person to show me what’s perfect sprout/ early seedling moisture..
failed my first 2 already due to over handling..
can’t really find any pictures on the internet of seedlings that look like mine... I have no idea if something is even wrong or not..
the picture without ”helmet head” is the seed that just broke the soil surface today..
any ideas/suggestions I’m all ears. I’m super paranoid and have lost all confidence for this.. :(
to me the first pic honestly looks dry.. but people telling me it looks like it has plenty moisture.. why the heck does it look so much worse than the seed that just broke soil today though?!


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