Another Noobie Question


New Member
So I've done a ton of research over the past few weeks in preparation for my first grow attempt. My plants have been above ground for about a week and in the past two days I've noticed a couple of things. One, there hasn't been much growth in the past few days and two, the first serrated leaves are starting to creep upwards forming a V.

I'm thinking the main light (a 200 watt equiv cfl) may have been too close at 3" so I've moved it a couple of inches up to see if that does the trick. I've also got an oscillating fan blowing in the case to keep the temps down in the low 80's. So does this look like heat stress to you?

Maybe I'm just being an overly concerned parent...

Some other points of interest, ph of water is being kept at 6.5, soil is an organic mix 0.4-0.6-0.4, and I may have been over watering a little.


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HI Sketchtb and :welcome: to :420: Magazine!
I don't see any heat stress on the lil' one at all. It's probably good that you moved the light up a just a little just for good measure. I'm using CFL's too, and found that about 5" was optimal for my particular plants. Anything less than 4-5", if I put my hand under it a while it got uncomfortable. Try that and see if it feels alright to you.
Looking nice and green from my view!:thumb:
Thanks folks, I'm glad to know I'm just a worried parent. This is going to be an interesting exercise in patience for me, lol.
Yeah, kind of like getting a new puppy and trying to train it. LOL
If the "V" thing is any kind of concern, I'm sure someone else will pop around to comment.
Congrats on your very first grow!:cheer:

Also, if you are interested in documenting your grow and getting lots of grower support during the journey, you might consider starting your own Journal. Here's a link on how to do that if you are interested:
How to Make a Grow Journal
I actually feel a little sheepish admitting this but I took the photo and moved the light up about 2 hours ago and when I went to check on them now, they've flattened out nicely again...:thumb: must have been the distance to the bulb.
Much obliged, I've been debating it all week. I'll check out your link and leave a link to it if I decide to. Thanks again for the support.

Still thinking about a journal, maybe on my second grow but anyway this is how the little plant is doing. Transplanted to a 1 gallon hard pot this morning.
Just to be clear, I still have no idea if its a lil girl yet but there's no gender bias in my house... I'll love it either way... I'll probably even cry as I'm chopping down a lil guy. :)
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