Another Blue Gelato With Some Issues


Active Member
Hey guys.

Here I am again trying to understand what my girls are trying to say

This issue started at the final of vega stage.

In my research I came up with fungus, since in this autumn I got a lot of moist over here in Portugal. Also I let the rock wool taking light so a lot of green stuff grows in there.

I will post some pictures






Hey somename,

In order to help we need more info…

What are you feeding them? How often?
Are you adjusting ph?
To what value?
Whats the enviro in your tent?… temp & rh
Are you checking temp at canopy level?
How far away is the light?

algae is one thing that’s just gunk growing on surface where water is exposed to light. Mild dose of H2O2 in your feed water will knock that down temporarily as will covering it with black plastic or aluminum foil.

looks kinda like phos def or rust but I‘m a soil guy and reading tea leaves on hydro plants is not one of my skills unfortunately. Anywho this is way waaay out of my league but at least we can get you setup for one of the hydro experts who will drop in soon… hopefully….
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