An Observation


New Member
I know several people who own/run growshops, and I've been posting/reading cultivation websites since '00.
And I've come to the conclusion that 90% of people who entertain the idea of gowing never do, or if they attempt 1 they abandon it after a single grow due to poor results.
Time and time again I see people join various site's, make a few posts about needing noob advice and they never post again.
Probably over half of them think they can grow pot in the corner of a room under a regular light bulb and end up with multiple oz's.
When they find out it takes an investment of time and $$ they give up. Especially if they're young and are still financially suckling at their parents teat.
More people abandon the idea because they don't have a place to grow, even tho most people in the US live within an hours drive of a Nat'l Forest.
For those who remain, some get caught by their parents of have a spouse that says no way.
Of those who still remain, more quit because their plants die. This is common among people who refuse to read up on what they're attempting to do.
I used to see noob posts and PM back offering my 1-on-1 help. I always ask "are you really really committed to doing this. Most reply hell ya, but they aren't.
I've had a few success stories, but 90% never carry it out.
I remember 1 person who wanted to grow outside and they told me again and again how committed they were.
I told the person that the first step was to prepare the grow site by digging holes and amending the soil.
A few days later they IM-ed back that they planted 25 seeds. I replied that I was surprized they dug & amended that many holes so quickly, and they IM-ed back "oh I'll do that later"!
So I finally quit offering personal help.
And then finally there are people who have such disapointing results (again, due to NOT reading) they abandon growing.

To me, growing your own was a no-brainer. I remember the very first weed I bought. I looked in the bag and saw seeds.
WOW I said to myself seeds! Now I can grow my own!
The next morning I dropped my first seeds.

Another observation: Most (I'd say 90%) of potential growers are male. I guess this is because most women usually get their weed free, from guys (or gym teachers ;) .

It's somewhat deprssing, beause after an initial investment in time (which includes hours of reading) and $$, growing is very rewarding. Not in just the $$ one saves vs. buying it, but also the pure joy of smoking something they grew themselves.

-End of rant.
eh i heard alot of people say things like hat ranger.. itho am waiting till i move out of my parents house... because growing has always fascinated me... i always loved seeing my buddys plants because they took a seek no bigger than halfa penny and turned it into a huge plant... so ya i hear you tho alot of people talk about growing and growing then just dont... i dont say shit about it but im my mind there a spot for growing once im out...

and i am counting down the day tho haha
Very well said RD!
I see the same thing all the time both personally and on the net.
Everyone must start somewhere and the easiest part is deciding to start. Many of my friends had success to variing degrees and then most thought it was to much hassle. I was fortunate to have a very experienced mentor who explained it to me first that if you want to do it you must be prepared for the hassle. It is not a hobby it is a part time buisness that you must proprerly invest time and money into regularily. The profit is not having to support an expensive underground market with all of the negatives that come with that. If you smoke regularily and do not plan on quitting anytime soon then you must do one of two things... purchase weed at market prices and follow along with the ups and downs and the dangers and hassles or... grow yer own stone.
My mentor made it very clear from the begining that if you are going to grow... make the most out of it. Buy the right equiptment, soils, nutes, etc; Build a proper area, set aside 30 minutes a day and 2-3 evenings a week and realize that if you get busted, 10 week crappy plants yeilding a half oz and 10 healthy plants yeilding 3 oz's is the same charge... once again, make the most of it.
Newbies should realize upfront that the initial cost for a reasonable set up is $1000 - $1500 and about $150 per crop. (based on 6-10 plants). Once again there is a constant need to spend time each day and extra hours each week to keep it successful. If you think that you can use a desk lamp and some soil from a flower bed to grow some weed you are already wasting your time. True, you can grow a plant or two but after 3 months of hard work you will be so disappointed with the dirt weed that you get that you will feel that it was more hassle than it is worth and never do it again.
Other things that are often overlooked by newbies is planning for the future. You must realize that in the final stages of budding the odors can be unbelievable. Without proper filters and ventilation I guarrantee that everyone in the nieghbourhood including the mailman and the meter readers will know what is going on. As well there is the space... most new growers do not realize that plants can get BIG! Especially if they are streched due to improper light, nutes, or pruning. Don't get fooled thinking that you will fit 4 nice plants in your average closet unless you have the experience and equiptment to grow them right. Also there is the privacy issue.. if you have family and friends or visitors often, that will have to change, Even with proper equiptment it is difficult to hide the odor and even more difficult not to brag. Your best friend today can be your worst enemy tommorow and he knows your biggest secret. Trust very few people.
You are right RD, most new growers fail due to jumping in without first reading up and learnig the basics first, and they post asking for advice but don't take the advice that is given. There is no use in cutting corners, do it right and be successfull or do it poorly and fail.
I was lucky that my mentor put me on the right track in the first place and I am using methods whitch are tried, tested and true. It took 6 weeks of planning, organizing, building, purchasing and preparing before I even planted my first plant. If you do not think that you can mannage this then don't waste your time or expose yourself to the dangers involved... Remember pot is still illeagal... even if it shouldn't be.
If you take this advice you will be very successful and never have to search around or spent a dime on pot again.
Have fun... and make the most of it.

Good rant there RD, it always amazes me some of the noob questions that get asked here, but I commend you for taking the time to answer them. Where the f*ck were you when I first started? Back then all I had was that book from Ed Rosenthal. Nowadays there is so much great information available on the internet I would think it's impossible to start off as bad as I did back 15 years ago.

The commitment it takes to grow is definitly what deters most people, its not as simple as stick a seed in the dirt and turn on your light. I found out quickly there is a lot of work that goes into a successful grow, not hard labor, but details that must be paid attention to on a daily basis. It's not for everyone, and if you have to hide your indoor grow from other people who live with you, ie parents/spouse/roommate, then don't even bother. I laugh my ass off when I read a post "My mom found my plant in the closet".

Thanks for your input here Ranger, I always make a point to read when you post. I don't grow anymore, but might again someday and I'm storing away everything I read for later. With the internet and being able to glean advice from people like you, I'm sure if/when I grow again it will be much more successful.
Urdedpal said:
Kids should not grow weed. They should not be on the site.
Its 18 or older to be on the site.

I'm aware of the rules of this site re:age.
But I disagree with your statement that "kids should not grow weed".
By kids I'm assuing you mean people under 18.
No one should grow pot at home unless everyone who lives there agrees. It doesn't matter if they're 10 or 50.

When my level-headed 15 year old cousin revealed to me he was spending most of his allowance on pot, I suggested he grow his own, in the woods.
After clearing it with my sister, I taught him how to grow.
He got good exercise and learned a lot about hiking and nature and I taught him how to fish and build a safe fire and how to use a map and compass.
He grew and smoked until his early 20's, then decieded he didn't want to anymore and stopped growing and he rarely smokes nowadays.
He still hikes.
I think some people just don't have the patience for it. Why grow it if you can buy it and get instant gratification? For me, there are plenty of reasons (money, quality, selection, etc). Suprisingly though, i do it mostly for the pleasure I get from watching something grow from a seed to a plant that i harvest. The harvest is one of the most rewarding experiences I have had. But back to the point, I only started growing when I moved from home, and had no connections. Since the first day I stumbled on to this site, growing has been my hobby. And not just for the end result, but for the simple satisfaction of growing something. In fact, when I get a house one day, I plan on growing vegetables, fruit, and whatever else I can get from the earth. It just so happened that I wasn't really into growing ANYTHING, until I found this site and grew MJ. I even plan on giving most of my bud away to friends, because there is no way I can possibly smoke all of it myself, and refuse to sell it. I just don't need the hassle of people calling me, and all the crap associated with dealing. I was thinking about this, and realized that I would end up with a freezer-full of MJ in the future, so instead, i'll just donate it to friends.
On a separate note, I think it is actually a blessing less people grow it. Can you imagine the crap we would deal with if the police started concentrating their drug war on the recreational grower? That is a pretty conservative view, and I know some people will disagree, but I like where this MJ movement is headed, and I think opposition to legalization would intensify if everyone started to grow their own. Soon enough though, I think the day will inevitably come when MJ is legit.
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