Amsterdam again, Red Light District


New Member
It's 5:30 and I'm going to the Red Light District. I get my map out and start moving towardsthis place I've heardso much about. I got a doobie in my pocket and I'm ready to explore. :smokin:

Walking around I see sex and lots of gift and porn shops. Tourists gawking about, me included. Most of the group were men, as you would expect. The ladies wer in windows. The first ones I saw were in large windows with beautiful, bold eyes and provocative ways of dressing. They didn't seem afraid, but they didn't look as if they were having the time of their lives either. It seem to me to be a hard way to make a living. There are places where you can go and see sex acts, nothing much seems taboo here. It's rather amazing but I'm not afraid to be here walking around on my own. I see serious men standing around and you can tell just by lookin at them, if you screw up too hard they will clean you clock for you.

The only person who said anything was a small dark man who said "help ya, baby?" In a horse whisper. I just kept on moving and he melted back into the shadows as if he never existed.

About that doobie...I had heard from several people that smoking was tolerated outside in the Red Light District. I had to give it a try just to say I did. :grinjoint: A block or so past the little guy I was getting comfortable enough with the area to give it a try. I came across one of the cute little bridges with some trees at each end, found a place to lean and lit up. No flashing lights, no sirens, no uniformed officers coming outta the woodwork to haul me in. People just kept walking by, going about their own business. I wasn't totally ignored though. A good looking trannie, probably on his/her way to work, gave me a smile and a nod while passing.

I turned off onto a side street where there were a bunch of tourists just milling around chattering and looking around. Somethings up, I have to look too. There were full length glass panels about 2 ft wide filled side to side with women behind them. They were posturing and gesturing, trying to drum up business. I felt so sad for the poor babies. Yes, I know that the girls do it of their own free will and that there's safety and all of that. I'm still sad for them. It's an interestin trip folks but not my cup of hot chocolate Thanks but no thanks.

Oh, by the way, i've found out something of interest - you can o.d. On hot chocolate. I've had so much of this drink it's dripping out of my ears. So, the next coffee shop I stop at, I get a big cup of chocolate! I love this stuff! The coffee shop was the Old Bulldog.

Again I lucked out and found a primo actual booth yet. Sharing my booth was a delightful couple from Wales who were in Amsterdam for a wedding. They spoke lovingly of Wales. You could tell they loved where they lived and loved each other. This renews my faith in mankind. I so needed this after the red light area.

I had a great time and have wonderful memories. I met such cool people, travelers, tourists and residents alike. I've just got to come back here again and bring my ol' man next time. This was the main drawback with my trip. Amsterdam is a romantic city, a place for lovers to wander and I came alone...this time.

Well, it's late kiddies and the educated smoker is freekin' tired. I have to be at the airport at no later than 9;30 local time to catch my flight back to the U. S. Of A. :peace:
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